2018年5月-2022年12月,东北大学 讲师
2023年1月-今,东北大学 副教授
(1) 铸造工艺与技术研发
(2) 高品质铜合金的设计与制备
(3) 先进耐磨材料的设计与制备
(4) 金属基复合材料短流程制备技术研发
Junjia Zhang, Ze Wang, Shuran miao, et al. Effect of defect strengthening on the mechanical properties of a novel Cu–15Ni–8Sn alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A. 868 (2023) 144777
Junjia Zhang, Zhongkai Guo, Jinchuan Jie, et al. Evolution behavior of γ-D03 phase in Cu-15Ni-8Sn alloy and the corresponding effects on alloy property. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 897(2022):162736.
Junjia Zhang, Zhaoyu Liu, Zhongkai Guo, et al. Effects of Zr on microstructural evolution and mechanical property of Cu-15Ni-8Sn alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A. 831(2022):142287.
Junjia Zhang, Jinchuan Jie, Yiping Lu, et al. Fabrication of Carbon Fibers Reinforced Al-matrix Composites in Pulsed Magnetic Field. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 11(2021)197-210.
Junjia Zhang, Yue Liu, Hao Guo, et al. Effect of carbon content on microstructural evolution of 8Cr steel in austenitizing process. Materials Science & Engineering A. 796(2020)140026.
Junjia Zhang, Jiaming Liu, Yiping Lu, et al. Re-rolling technology and alloying-element distribution of carbon fibers reinforced Al-matrix composite. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 281(2020)116617.
Junjia Zhang, Shichao Liu, Liu Jiaming, et al. Electroless nickel plating and spontaneous infiltration behavior of woven carbon fibers. Materials and Design. 186(2020)108301.
Junjia Zhang, Liu Jiaming, Yiping Lu, et al. Infiltration behavior and mechanism in semi-solid rolling of carbon fibers reinforced Al-matrix composite. Materials and Design. 182(2019)108102.
Junjia Zhang, Shichao Liu, Yiping Lu, et al. Semisolid-rolling and annealing process of woven carbon fibers reinforced Al-matrix composites. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 33 (2017) 623-629.
Junjia Zhang, Shichao Liu, Yiping Lu, et al. Liquid rolling of woven carbon fibers reinforced Al5083 matrix composites. Materials and Design. 95(2016)89–96.
(1) 辽宁省铸造学会 副秘书长
(2) 辽宁省铸锻行业专家委员会 副秘书长
(3) 《China Foundry》(《中国铸造》英文版)青年编委