2000年09月-2004年07月,东北大学材料科学与工程专业 工学学士
2006年09月-2013年01月,东北大学材料学专业 硕博连读 工学博士
2013年02月-2017年03月,东北大学材料与冶金学院 师资博士后
2017年04月-2023年12月,新澳门六合彩开奖-新澳彩开奖结果 讲师
2024年01月-今,新澳门六合彩开奖-新澳彩开奖结果 副教授
(1) Liu Fang, Yu Fuxiao, Zhao Dazhi, Zuo Liang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of an Al-12.7Si-0.7Mg alloy processed by extrusion and heat treatment, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011, 528: 3786-3790.
(2) Liu Fang, Yu Fuxiao, Zhao Dazhi, Zuo Liang, Transmission electron microscopy study of precipitates in an artificially aged Al-12.7Si-0.7Mg alloy, Materials Characterization, 2015, 107:211-219.
(3) Fang Liu,Fuxiao Yu, Dazhi Zhao, Li Gao, Fatigue Behavior of an Al-12.7Si-0.7Mg Alloy Processed by Extrusion and Heat Treatment, Frontier in Materials, 2021, 8: 1-9.
(4) Fang Liu,Fuxiao Yu; Dazhi Zhao, Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Wrought Al-12.7Si-0.7Mg Alloy, Science of Advanced Materials, 2021, 3: 1825-1829.
(5) Yu Fuxiao, Liu Fang, Zhao Dazhi, Laszlo S. Toth, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-3Fe alloy processed by equal channel angular extrusion, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2014, 63: 012079.
(6) Chunyu Li, Fang Liu, Fuxiao Yu, Hairong Qiao, Dongpu Zheng. Effect of casting temperature on halo in the solidification microstructure of direct-chill casting Al16.5Si-4.5Cu-0.6Mg-0.1Zr alloys, Materials Letters, 2022, 337: 133779.
(7) Chunyu Li, Fang Liu, Fuxiao Yu, Hairong Qiao, Dongpu Zheng, Qichi Le. The growth mechanism and morphology evolution of primary Si during slow cooling solidification of high purity Al-15Si alloy with Cr additions, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 23: 1204-1213.
(8) Xiaorui Liu, Yudong Zhang, Benoît Beausir, Fang Liu, Claude Esling, Fuxiao Yu, Xiang Zhao, Liang Zuo, Twin-controlled growth of eutectic Si in unmodified and Sr-modified Al-12.7%Si alloys investigated by SEM/EBSD, Acta Materialia, 2015, 97: 338-347.
一种基于图像处理技术的过/亚共晶 Al-Si 合金变质分级方法,发明人:陈大力,张鹏远,刘士新,高圣君,刘芳,李勇,专利号:ZL 2018 1 0684625.2
(1)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 项目负责人,“含镁高硅铝合金中析出相的结构演变过程研究”,2015.1-2017.12;
(2)科技部重点研发计划项目-子课题,项目负责人,“基于工业大数据的铝/铜板带材智能化工艺控制技术”, 2017.6-2021.6;
(3)中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师科研启动基金,项目负责人,“变形Al-Si-Mg合金时效析出相结构演变过程研究”, 2013.1-2015.12;
(6)国家自然科学基金重点项目,主要参与人员,“基于DC铸造方法大规模制造变形铝硅合金的关键基础问题研究”, 2008.01-2011.12;