[1] 2000年9月 - 2004年7月,东北大学材料科学与工程专业,学士学位
[2] 2006年9月 - 2008年3月,东北大学材料学专业,硕博连读
[3] 2008年3月 - 2013年10月,东北大学材料学专业,工学博士学位
[4] 2008年10月 - 2011年12月,东北大学与法国梅斯(Metz)大学联合培养,材料学专业,工学博士学位
[1] 2012年5月 - 2013年12月,法国洛林大学,博士后
[2] 2014年1月 - 2017年12月,东北大学新澳门六合彩开奖 ,副教授
[3] 2018年1月 – 今,东北大学新澳门六合彩开奖 ,教授
[1] 马氏体相变
[2] 相变功能材料
[3] 晶体学与织构
以第一作者/通讯作者在《Acta Materialia》等国内外学术期刊上已发表论文70余篇。
[1] Cong Liu, Yueping Wang, Huaqiu Du, Zongbin Li*, Haile Yan, Bo Yang, Liang Zuo. Giant mechanical energy storage capacity and long-term mechanical cyclability in a fine-grained Heusler-type Co51V33Ga16 shape memory alloy, Acta Materialia 277 (2024) 120185.
[2] Honglin Wang, Zongbin Li*, Long Hou*, Xi Li*, Haile Yan, Bo Yang, Liang Zuo. Large elastocaloric effect covering a broad temperature window in a composition-graded Ni50Mn31.5Ti18.5 alloy prepared by magnetic field-assisted directional solidification, Acta Materialia 274 (2024) 120020.
[3] Jiajing Yang, Honglin Wang, Zongbin Li*, Naifu Zou, Haile Yan, Bo Yang, Liang Zuo. Crystallography of stress-induced martensitic transformation and giant elastocaloric effect in a <001>A textured Ni27Cu21Mn46Sn6 shape memory alloy, Acta Materialia 263 (2024) 119546.
[4] Jiajing Yang, Zongbin Li*, Xiaoliang Zhang, Bo Yang, Haile Yan, Daoyong Cong, Xiang Zhao, Liang Zuo. Manipulation of thermal hysteresis and magnetocaloric effect in the Ni-Co-Mn-In alloys through lattice contraction: Effect of Ge substitution for In, Acta Materialia 246 (2023) 118694.
[5] Xiaoliang Zhang, Zongbin Li*, Bo Yang, Haile Yan, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Xiang Zhao, Liang Zuo*. Reverse transformation crystallography of deformed martensite in Ni-Mn-Ga shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia 243 (2023) 118507.
[6] Xiaoliang Zhang, Zongbin Li∗, Dong Li, Bo Yang, Haile Yan, Weimin Gan, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Xiang Zhao, Liang Zuo*. Unconventional twin deformation of Ni-Mn-Ga 7M martensite under tension mediated by the collective lattice reorientation from a-c twin to b-c twin. Acta Materialia 227 (2022) 117729.
[7] Zhenzhuang Li, Zongbin Li*, Dong Li, Jiajing Yang, Bo Yang, Yong Hu, Dunhui Wang, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Xiang Zhao, Liang Zuo*. Achieving a broad refrigeration temperature region through the combination of successive caloric effects in a multiferroic Ni50Mn35In15 alloy, Acta Materialia 192 (2020) 52-59.
[8] Zongbin Li*, Dong Li, Jiaxing Chen, Bo Yang, Naifu Zou, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Xiang Zhao, Liang Zuo*. Crossing twin of Ni–Mn–Ga 7M martensite induced by thermo-mechanical treatment. Acta Materialia 185 (2020) 28–37.
[9] Naifu Zou, Zongbin Li*, Yudong Zhang*, Weimin Gan, Bo Yang, Xiang Zhao, Claude Esling, Michael Hofmann, Liang Zuo*. Deformation of Ni-Mn-Ga 7M modulated martensite through detwinning/twinning and forward/reverse intermartensitic transformation studied by in-situ neutron diffraction and interrupted in-situ EBSD, Acta Materialia 174 (2019) 319-331.
[10] Zongbin Li, Bo Yang, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling, Naifu Zou, Xiang Zhao, Liang Zuo. Crystallographic insights into the intermartensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys. Acta Materialia 74 (2014) 9–17
[11] Z. B. Li, Nan Xu, Y. D. Zhang, C. Esling, Jean-Marc Raulot, X. Zhao, L. Zuo. Composition-dependent ground state of martensite in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys. Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) 3858-3865.
[12] Z. B. Li, Y. D. Zhang, C. Esling, X. Zhao, L. Zuo. Evidence for a monoclinic incommensurate superstructure in modulated martensite, Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 6982-6990.
[13] Z. B. Li, Y.D. Zhang, C. Esling, X. Zhao, L. Zuo. Twin relationships of 5M modulated martensite in Ni-Mn-Ga alloy, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 3390-3397.
[14] Z. B. Li, Y.D. Zhang, C. Esling, X. Zhao, L. Zuo. Determination of the orientation relationship between austenite and incommensurate 7M modulated martensite in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 2762-2772.
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:成分梯度Ni-Mn-Ti形状记忆合金的应力诱发马氏体相变与弹热效应研究,2024/01 – 2027/12。
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:NiMn基形状记忆合金变形马氏体的逆相变晶体学研究,2022/01 – 2025/12。
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:NiMn基磁控形状记忆合金外应力作用于马氏体相变的晶体学研究,2018/01-2021/12。
[4[] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:Ni-Mn-Ga铁磁合金7M马氏体形核与长大特性研究,2016/01-2019/12。
[1] 辽宁省优秀博士学位论文,2015。
[2] 辽宁省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,2020。
[3] 《Acta Materialia》/《Scripta Materialia》期刊杰出审稿人,2022。