


李晓东,男  职称:教授



邮箱[email protected]









 2011/01-至今    东北大学材料各向异性与织构教育部重点实验室教授,博士生导师


 2011/01   美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)访问学者


 2010/12   东北大学材料与冶金学院副教授,博士生导师


 2006/03    澳大利亚西澳大利亚大学(The University of Western Australian)访问学者


 2010/12    东北大学材料与冶金学院副教授


 2000/10    日本大阪工业研究所材料物理部进修学习


 2000/01     东北大学材料与冶金学院助教、讲师








  1. Yi Ren, Xiaodong Li*, Haojie Mu, Qi Zhu, Mu Zhang, Xudong Sun. The origin of microstructural inhomogeneity in vacuum-sintered ZrO2-doped Lu2O3 transparent ceramics[J]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 107(2): 1105-1116, 2024.

  2. 穆浩洁, 李晓东*. Y2O3-MgO纳米复相中红外激光基质材料研究进展[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 52(3): 1117-1796, 2024.

  3. Chang Ma, Xiaodong Li*, Qi Zhu, Mu Zhang, Xudong Sun. Effects of Gd3+-doping on the fabrication and performances of highly transparent (Lu,Gd)2O3:Eu solid-solution ceramics[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 970: 172479, 2024.

  4. Jingyuan Zhang, Xiaodong Li*, Mu Zhang, Xudong Sun. High-Adhesion Ag Film with Enhanced Electromagnetic Shielding Performance via Post-Treatment of a Polydopamine Adhesive Layer[J]. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15(29): 35516-35524, 2023.

  5. Wang Xie, Xiaodong Li*, Mu Zhang, Qi Zhu, Xudong Sun. Formulating nickel metal organic decomposition ink with low sintering temperature and high conductivity for ink jet printing applications[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34(27):187, 20232.

  6. Rongxiu Guo, Xinyue Zhang, Zenan Hu, Dun Niu, Xiaodong Li*, Hongbin Sun*, Qionglin Liang*. Synergizing the Cu-only catalyst with the amino-modified mesoporous double-shelled nanoreactor for the selective transfer hydrogenation of nitriles[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (1): 109143, 2023.

  7. Yi Ren, Xiaodong Li*, Zhe Zhang, Haojie Mu, Qi Zhu, Zhongchao Fu, Xudong Sun. Effects of Zr4+-doping on the properties of (Lu, Gd)2O3: Eu transparent ceramics: Insight from the photoluminescent spectra in as-sintered and annealed state[J]. Ceramics International, 49(11): 18541-18551, 2023.

  8. Yuanshuai Wang, Haojie Mu, Nan Wu, Mu Zhang, Qi Zhu, Xudong Sun, Xiaodong Li*. Effects of Ho3+ concentration on the fabrication and properties of Ho: Y2O3-MgO nanocomposite for Mid-infrared laser applications[J]. Ceramics International, 49(7): 10625-10633, 2023.

  9. 张哲, 任轶, 张舒云, 穆浩洁, 李晓东*, 孙旭东. (Y,Gd,Zr)2O3+δ:Eu粉体和透明陶瓷的制备及其荧光性能研究[J]. 中国稀土学报, 2023.

  10. Chang Ma, Xiaodong Li*, Mu zhang, Qi Zhu, Xudong Sun. Sequential enlarging Lu2O3: Eu phosphor mono-spheres into near micro-meter size range by controlled nucleation and growth for attaining optimum photoluminescence properties[J]. Ceramics International, 48(19): 27637-27649, 2022.

  11. Rongxiu Guo, Xinyue Zhang, Xiaodong Li*, Dun Niu*, Hongbin Sun*. Porphyrin-MOF-derived carbon-encapsulated copper as a selective and leaching resistant catalyst for the hydrogenation of nitriles[J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 140:104561, 2022.

  12. Wang Xie, Xiaodong Li*, Mu Zhang, Qi Zhu, Jiguang Li, Xudong Sun. A nickel metal-organic-decomposition ink of nickel-ethanolamine complex leading to highly conductive nickel patterns for printed electronic applications[J]. Thin Solid Films, 744: 139081, 2022.

  13. Jingyuan Zhang, Xiaodong Li*, Mu Zhang, Qi Zhu, Xudong Sun. Flexible and ultra-thin silver films with superior electromagnetic interference shielding performance: Via spin-coating silver metal-organic decomposition inks[J]. Materials Advances, 3(1): 647-657, 2022.

  14. Lingmin Ye, Yusheng Liu, Hongliang He, Mu Zhang, Qi Zhu, Xudong Sun, Xiaodong Li*. Synthesis of Bi–Pb–Sn–Cd solder particles for joining Ag-plated PZT ceramics at 100 °C[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33 (8): 5899-5908, 2022.

  15. 陈冠宇, 吴南, 杨康, 王元帅, 孙旭东, 李晓东*. 金属离子和柠檬酸的配比对 Y2O3-MgO 纳米粉体及其纳米复相陶瓷性能的影响[J]. 硅酸盐通报, 41(5): 1788-1796, 2022.

  16. 陈晓婷, 孔令燕, 苏玉, 李晓东, 张牧, 孙旭东. 基于无颗粒银墨水制备柔性透明导电薄膜[J]. 贵金属, 43(2):9-16, 2022.

  17. Yupu Tang, Yi Ren, Zhongchao Fu, Jiaming Li, Mu Zhang, Xudong Sun, Xiaodong Li*. Laser-driven white light with tunable low-colour temperature based on novel ZrO2-doped (Gd,Lu)2O3:Eu red-emitting transparent ceramics[J]. Optical Materials: X, 14: 100146, 2022.

  18. 满鑫, 吴南, 张牧, 贺红亮, 孙旭东, 李晓东*. Lu2O3-MgO纳米粉体合成及其复相红外透明陶瓷制备[J]. 无机材料学报, 36(12): 1263-1269, 2021.

  19. Nan Wu, Xiaodong Li*, Mu Zhang, Yi Ren, Qi Zhu, Haijun Peng, Hongqiang Ru, Xudong Sun. Synthesis of nanopowders with low agglomeration by elaborating Φ values for producing Gd2O3-MgO nanocomposites with extremely fine grain sizes and high mid-infrared transparency[J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41(4): 2898-2907, 2021.

  20. Zhongchao Fu, Xiaodong Li*, Mu Zhang, Qi Zhu, Jiguang Li, Liao He, Xingan Wang, Xudong Sun. Achieving fabrication of highly transparent Y2O3 ceramics via air pre-sintering by deionization treatment of suspension[J]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 104(6): 2689-2701, 2021.

  21. Rongxiu Guo, Guangqi He, Xinyu Chen, Xinyue Zhang, Zenan Hu, Xiaodong Li*, Dun Niu*, Hongbin Sun*. Ultrathin Modified Silica “Skin” for the Transfer Hydrogenation Catalyst: Improving Selectivity by Adjusting Surface Wettability[J]. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8 (11): 2100013, 2021.

  22. Rongxiu Guo, Xinyue Zhang, Zenan Hu, Hong Li, Jianyi Gao, Jiaping Wang, Qionglin Liang, Xiaodong Li*, Dun Niu*, Hongbin Sun*. A hollow in hollow nanoreactor of H-PtCu@SiO2 for the selective transfer hydrogenation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 425:131417, 2021.







