


左玉波   男   职称:研究员





     1996.8-2000.7  东北大学材料与冶金学院  金属压力加工专业  本科  学士学位;

     2002.9-2007.3  东北大学材料与冶金学院  材料加工工程  研究生  硕博连读  工学博士学位。


     2000.8-2002.8  东北大学机械工程与自动化学院  助教;

     2005.4-2011.12  东北大学EPM教育部重点实验室  讲师  

       期间(2008.7-2011.5)英国Brunel大学BCAST  研究中心Researchfellow

     2012.1-2021.12  东北大学EPM教育部重点实验室,副教授,博士生导师(2014);

     2022.1-今  东北大学EPM教育部重点实验室,研究员,博士生导师









[1] R Wang, Q F Zhu , Y B Zuo, L Cheng, J C Wang. The control of as-cast structure of 2024 aluminum alloy with intensive melt shearing and its effect on microstructure and mechanical properties after T4 treatment. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 24: 3179-3193.

[2] R Wang, Y B Zuo, Q F Zhu, X D Liu, J C Wang. Effect of temperature field on the porosity and mechanical properties of 2024 aluminum alloy prepared by direct chill casting with melt shearing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2022, 307: 117687.

[3]  Liu X D, Zhu Q F, Zuo Y B, et al. Mechanisms of grain refinement in direct-chill casting 2024 aluminum alloy with intensive melt shearing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2022, 53(7): 2577 - 2585.

[4] X D Liu, Q F Zhu, Z M Li, C Zhu, Z H Zhao, J Z Cui, Y B Zuo. Effect of casting speed on floating grains and macrosegregation of direct-chill cast 2024 alloy with intensive melt shearing. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2021, 31: 565575.

10. X Fu, R Wang, Q F Zhu,P Wang, Y B Zuo. Effect of Annealing on the Interface and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Al-Cu Laminated Composite Prepared with Cold Rolling, Materials, 2020, 13(2): 0-369.

[5] X D Liu, Q F Zhu,Y B Zuo, Y L Kang, R Wang, Z M Li. An investigation of direct-chill cast 2024 aluminum alloy under the influence of high shearing with regards to different shear positions. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, 279: 116547.

[6] Yu-bo Zuo, Xu-dong Liu, Chao Sun, Sen-sen Yuan, Dan Mou, Zhan-zhi Li, Jian-zhong Cui. Grain refinement and macrosegregation behavior of direct chill cast Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy under combined electromagnetic fields. CHINA FOUNDRY,2015, 12(5): 333-336.

[7] Zuo Yu-bo, Fu Xing, Cui Jian-zhong, Tang Xiang-yu, Mao Lu, Li Lei, Zhu Qing-feng. Shear deformation and plate shape control of hot-rolled aluminium alloy thick plate prepared by asymmetric rolling process. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24(7):2220-2225.

[8] Zuo Yu-bo, Cui Jian-zhong, Mou Dan, Zhu Qing-feng, Wang Xiang-jie, Li Lei. Effect of electromagnetic field on microstructure and macrosegregation of flat ingot of 2524 aluminium alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24(7):2408-2413.

[9] Zuo Yubo, Cui Jianzhong, Zhao Zhihao, Zhang Haitao, Li Lei, Zhu Qingfeng. Mechanism of grain refinement of an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy prepared by low-frequency electromagnetic casting. Journal of Materials Science, 2012, 47(14):5501-5508.

[10] Y Zuo, G M Scamans, Z Fan, et al. Refining grain structure and porosity of an aluminium alloy with intensive melt shearing. Scripta Materialia, 2011, 64, 209-212.



(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“半连续铸造铝合金宏观偏析的外场调控及其机理研究”(51674078),20171-202012月,负责人,已结题。




(5) “航空高性能铝合金材料的基础研究”973项目子课题(2012CB619506-1),20121月到201612月,骨干参与,已结题。