


杨磊  男  副教授/博士生导师

 Email: [email protected]  


20099-20134月  博士 Magnesium Innovation CentreGKSS 德国 与 德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学联合培养
9-20097月   硕士 中国科学院金属研究所
9-20067月   本科 哈尔滨工程大学


 20135-20153月  博士后 英国曼彻斯特大学
8-今                 副教授, 东北大学







已在《Corrosion Science》和《Acta Biomaterialia》等国内外有影响的学术期刊和会议上发表SCI收录论文 40余篇。


[1] X. Li, J. Hu, Z. Yu, M. Liu, X. Xiao, G. Qin, L. Yang*, E. Zhang, A study on the in vitro and in vivo degradation behaviour and biocompatibility of a Mg-Mn-Zn alloy with PLLA and Micro arc oxidation composite coating, Surface and Coatings Technology, 471 (2023) 129894.

[2] L. Yang*, W. Xu, S. He, E. Zhang, X. Zhang, T. Zhang, G. Qin, On the effect of trace Si on accelerating the corrosion of Mg-Mn alloys, Corros. Sci., 201 (2022) 110258.

[3] L. Yang*, Y. Shi, L. Shen, E. Zhang, G. Qin, X. Lu, X. Zhou, Effect of Ag on cathodic activation and corrosion behaviour of Mg-Mn-Ag alloys, Corros. Sci., 185 (2021) 109408.

[4] L. Yang*, S. He, C. Yang, X. Zhou, X. Lu, Y. Huang, G. Qin, E. Zhang, Mechanism of Mn on inhibiting Fe-caused magnesium corrosion, J. Magn. Alloy., 9 (2021) 676-685.

[5] L. Yang*, G. Liu, L. Ma, E. Zhang, X. Zhou, G. Thompson, Effect of iron content on the corrosion of pure magnesium: Critical factor for iron tolerance limit, Corros. Sci., 139 (2018) 421-429.

[6] L. Yang*, L. Ma, Y. Huang, F. Feyerabend, C. Blawert, D. Höche, R. Willumeit-Römer, E. Zhang, K.U. Kainer, N. Hort, Influence of Dy in solid solution on the degradation behavior of binary Mg-Dy alloys in cell culture medium, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 75 (2017) 1351-1358.

[7] L. Yang, X. Zhou, M. Curioni, S. Pawar, H. Liu, Z. Fan, G. Scamans, G. Thompson, Corrosion Behavior of Pure Magnesium with Low Iron Content in 3.5 wt% NaCl Solution, J. Electrochem. Soc., 162 (2015) C362-C368.

[8] L. Yang, X. Zhou, S.-M. Liang, R. Schmid-Fetzer, Z. Fan, G. Scamans, J. Robson, G. Thompson, Effect of traces of silicon on the formation of Fe-rich particles in pure magnesium and the corrosion susceptibility of magnesium, J. Alloy. Compd., 619 (2015) 396-400.

[9] L. Yang, N. Hort, D. Laipple, D. Höche, Y. Huang, K.U. Kainer, R. Willumeit, F. Feyerabend, Element distribution in the corrosion layer and cytotoxicity of alloy Mg–10Dy during in vitro biodegradation, Acta Biomater., 9 (2013) 8475-8487.

[10] L. Yang, Y. Huang, F. Feyerabend, R. Willumeit, C. Mendis, K. Kainer, N. Hort, Microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg–Dy–Gd–Zr alloys for medical applications, Acta Biomater., 9 (2013) 8499-8508.




多个知名学术期刊的审稿人,包括《corrosion science》《acta biomaterialia》《electrochima acta》《journal of magnesium and alloys》《surface and coating technology》等。