(1) 1999-3至2002-3,东北大学,材料物理与化学,博士
(2) 1993-9至1996-7,大连理工大学,等离子体物理,硕士
(3) 1989-9至1999-9,大连理工大学,应用物理,学士
(1) 2016-1至今,东北大学.新澳门六合彩开奖 ,教授
(2) 2012-1至2012-4,德国萨尔大学.物理化学系,访问学者
(3) 2012-1至2015-12,东北大学.理学院,教授
(4) 2006-6至2007-6,美国阿贡国家实验室.材料部,访问学者
(5) 2004-7至2011-12,东北大学.理学院, 副教授
(6) 2002-3至2004-6,中国科学院金属研究所,沈阳材料科学国家实验室,博士后
[1] Chuang Lin, Lin Zhang*, Yi Dong, Strain effects on Li3OX (X = Cl, Br) anti-perovskite solid lithium-ion electrolytes: DFT study,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2024, 187, 111775
[2] Feng Dai, Lin Zhang*,Investigating Si (100) surface patterns as well as electrical states through integrating molecular dynamics simulations with density functional tight
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[3] Chuang Lin, Lin Zhang*, Yi Dong, Insight into the effect of strain on Li-ion diffusivity and conductivity in Li3OCl anti-perovskite solid-state electrolyte: A perspective from AIMD simulations,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2024, 961, 118231
[4] Jinhan Liu, Lin Zhang*, Structural and Thermodynamic Behaviors of CumAgn (m + n =144−147) Nanoalloys during Cooling: Implications for Nanoparticle Structure Control,ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 6388
[5]Dandan Zhao, Yue Guan, Zhennan Wu, Lin Zhang*,Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of Hollow Si Nanowires from Atomic Modeling Combined with a Machine-Learning Prediction for Application as Li-Ion Battery Anodes,ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 22241
[6]Yue Guan, Xiaodan Li, Qingmiao Hu, Dandan Zhao, Lin Zhang*,Theoretical design of BAs/WX2 (X = S, Se) heterostructures for high-performance photovoltaic applications from DFT calculations,Applied Surface Science, 2022, 599, 153865
[7]Lijun Wu, Lin Zhang*, Longhai Shen,Study of atomic arrangements and charge distribution on Si(0 0 1) surfaces with the adsorption of one Ge atom by DFTB calculations,Applied Surface Science, 2018, 447, 22
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[15] 张林*,王元明,张彩碚,Ni基耐热合金凝固过程的元胞自动机方法模拟, 金属学报 08(2001), 882-888
(3) 电子束熔化技术成形Ti-6Al-4V合金试件界面区内原子堆积结构的计算研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目
(4) 纳米析出相影响核反应堆压力容器用低合金钢脆性断裂裂纹演化的原子尺度计算研究,辽宁省自然科学基金
(1)《固体物理》 辽宁省教学创新大赛三等奖,2022年
(2)《固体物理》 东北大学教师教学创新大赛三等奖,2022年
(3)《固体物理》 第二十七届辽宁省教育教学信息化交流活动二等奖,2023年