(3)2015-01至 今,东北大学,材料电磁过程教育部重点实验室,副教授;
在Corrosion Science, Electrochimica Acta, Materials Science and Engineering: A等材料学领域权威期刊发表高水平论文60余篇,申请国家发明专利30余项。其中近年代表性论文如下:
Zhang Haitao*, Zheng Yuqian, Yin Gang, et al. The influence of Ga, Sn, or Bi addition on the electrochemical behavior and discharge performance of Al–Zn–In anodes for Al-air batteries. Journal of Materials Science. 2021,56:11011-11026.
Zhang Haitao, Guo Cheng*, Li Shanshan, et al.Influence of cold pre-deformation on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Zn-bearing 5xxx aluminum alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2022, 16: 1202-1212.
Zhang Haitao, Yunfei Nan*, Guo Cheng, Jianzhong Cui. Age hardening and intergranular corrosion behavior of new type Al-4.5Mg-0.6Zn-0.5Cu-XAg(wt%) alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 910(25):164767.
Zhang Haitao, Donghui Yang*, Xi Chen, Hiromi Nagaumi*, et al.Influence of Ag on microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological properties of as-cast Al-33Zn-2Cu high-zinc aluminum alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 922(20):166157.
Zhang Haitao, Xin Dong, Zibin Wu*, Hiromi Nagaumi*, et al.Revealing the role of Ca on the electrochemical properties of Al-Mg-Sn-Ga-Ca alloy as anodes for Al-air batteries. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 21:2053-2060.
Jing Zou, Haitao zhang*, Chuang Yu, et al. Investigating the influences of Fe, Mn and Mo additions on the evolution of microstructure and mechanical performances of Al–Si–Mg cast alloys, Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023,25:319-332.
Chuang Yu, Haitao zhang*, yabiao zhang, et al. Effects of CrxMo(0.2-x) addition on the dispersoids evolution and mechanical properties of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag-Mn alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023,24:7525-7538.
Wu Zibin, Zhang Haitao*, Tang Shuai, et al. Effect of calcium on the electrochemical behaviours and discharge performance of Al-Sn alloy as anodes for al-air batteries. Electrochimica Acta. 2021,370:137833.
Guo Cheng, Zhang Haitao*, Li Shanshan, et al.Evolution of microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Al-4Mg-2Zn-0.3Ag (wt.%) alloy processed by T6 or thermomechanical treatment, Corrosion Science, 2021,188:109551.
Guo Cheng, Zhang Haitao*, Zou Jing, et al. Effects of pre-treatment combining with aging on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Ag alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 740: 82-91.
(1) 魏桥轻量化(苏州)科技有限公司, 企业开发, 2022040300010, 高强韧高服役6xxx铝合金开发, 2021-11 至 2026-10, 300万元,主持
(2) 山东省科技厅, 省部级项目, 2021SFGC1001, 基于铝基的交通轻量化科技示范工程, 2021-10 至 2024-11, 145万元,子课题负责
(3) 山东魏桥轻量化材料有限公司, 企业开发, 2022040300009, 耐火建筑用铝型材开发与制备技术, 2021-09 至 2024-09, 60万元,主持
(4) 大连黄海铝业有限公司, 企业开发, 2022040300004, 高强7xxx系铝合金材料与工艺开发, 2021-10 至 2022-10, 30万元,主持
(5) 中铝瑞闽股份有限公司, 企业开发, 2019040300008, 铝合金COM铸造短流程制备技术开发, 2019-03至 2022-03, 250万元, 结题, 主持