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2011.09-2015.06   东北大学   材料与冶金学院  材料成型及控制工程  学士

2015.09-2017.06   东北大学   新澳门六合彩开奖  材料加工工程    硕士

2017.09-2021.10   东北大学   新澳门六合彩开奖  材料加工工程    博士


2021.11 至今  东北大学 新澳门六合彩开奖 ,讲师

2021.11 至今  东北大学 冶金学院,博士后





1Q. Y. Liao, D. Z. Zhao, Q. C. Le*, R. M. Chen, Y. C. Jiang, W. Y. Zhou, L. Ren, D. D. Li, C. Y. Yin, Effect of Artificial Cooling Extrusion on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Zn-Y Alloys, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2024

2W. Y. Zhou, Q. C. Le*, Y. Shi, Q. Y. Liao, T. Wang, Q. Zou, C. Aranas Jr d, Enhancement of mechanical properties of GTAW joints for ZC63 magnesium alloy by post-weld heat treatment, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 169: 251-263.

3Y. C. Jiang, Q. C. Le*, Y. T. Zhu, Q. Y. Liao, T. Wang, L. Bao, P. Wang, Review on forming process of magnesium alloy characteristic forgings, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 970: 172666.

4Q. Y. Liao, W. X. Hu, R. M. Chen, Q. C. Le*, Effect of Zn/Y atomic ratio on precipitation behavior and dynamic recrystallization behavior of Mg-Zn-Y alloy under different extrusion temperature, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 27: 48-62.

5Q. Y. Liao*, Y. C. Jiang, Q. C. Le*, W. X. Hu, X. Zhou, D. D. Li, Y. L. Li, The evolution of microstructure and texture of AZ80 and AZ80-LaMM magnesium alloy wheel hubs processed by single-pass radial forging, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 22: 2473-2488.

6Y. C. Jiang, Q. Y. Liao, Q. C. Le*, Y. T. Zhu, C. Y. Yin, C. L. Hu, L. C. Liu, Die structure optimization study for magnesium alloy wheel formed by backward extrusion, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 23: 4211-4225.

7Q. Y. Liao, W. X. Hu, Q. C. Le*, X. R. Chen, Y. C. Jiang, Improvement of Yield Asymmetry and Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Extruded AZ110 Alloy with La-Rich Misch Metal Addition, Metals and Materials International, 2022, 28: 1143-1156.

8Y. C. Jiang, Y. T. Zhu, Q. C. Le*, Q. Y. Liao, W. Y. Zhou, P. Wang, T. Wang, Effect of truncated cone billet on single-step back extrusion forming process of magnesium alloy wheel, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 20: 1533-1543.

9Q. Y. Liao, Y. C. Jiang, Q. C. Le*, X. R. Chen, C. L. Cheng, K. Hu, D. D. Li, Hot deformation behavior and processing map development of AZ110 alloy with and without addition of La-rich Mish Metal, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 61: 1-15.

10Q. Y. Liao, W. X. Hu, Q. C. Le*, X. R. Chen, K. Hu, C. L. Cheng, C. L. Hu, Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Texture Evolution of Mg-Al-Zn-La-Gd-Y Magnesium Alloy by Hot Extrusion and Multi-Pass Rolling, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2020, 33: 1359-1368.

11Q. Y. Liao*, Q. C. Le*, X. R. Chen, X. Q. Li, Y. C. Jiang, L. F. Ma, W. X. Hu, Superplastic deformation behavior of the as-extruded AZ110 magnesium alloy with La-rich Mish metal addition, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9: 6777-6789.

12Q. Y. Liao, Q. Lan, W. T. Jia, X. R. Chen, Q. C. Le*, T. Wang, Microstructure and Mechanical Property Inhomogeneities of a Modified AZ80 Magnesium Alloy Wide Plate Under Horizontal Flat Die Extrusion, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28: 1977-1985.

13Q. Y. Liao, X. R. Chen, Q. Lan, F. K. Ning, Q. C. Le*, The effect of double extrusion on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ80RE alloy, Materials Research Express, 2018, 5.

14)乐启炽; 廖启宇; 蒋燕超; 赵大志; 王彤; 宝磊; 一种镁合金轮毂的高成形性锻造方法与装置, 2021-6-22, 中国, CN202010602631.6

15)乐启炽; 廖启宇; 程春龙; 蒋燕超; 胡成路; 陈星瑞; 一种高强高耐蚀镁合金及制备方法, 2019-6-14, 中国, CN201910271959.1

16)乐启炽; 廖启宇; 涂季冰; 赵大志; 唐岩; 崔建忠; 一种镁锂合金铸锭制备装置, 2019-6-21, 中国, CN201821566630.5












1)《China foundry》杂志青年编委

2Journal of Materials Science and TechnologyJournal of Alloys and CompoundsMaterials letters等多个国内外知名期刊审稿人