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入选国家高层次人才特殊支持计划-青年拔尖人才、沈阳市杰出人才(B类)、“兴辽英才”杰出人才等;以第一/通讯作者在ScienceScripta Materialia等期刊发表SCI论文12篇;授权国家发明专利7项;出版研究报告1部,参编钢铁工业协同创新关键技术丛书1部;主持国家级人才项目1项及国家青年自然科学基金、中国博士后基金、西北工业大学国重开放课题等8项;获辽宁省优秀博士论文、辽宁省优秀博士毕业生、沈阳市自然科学优秀论文二等奖、东北大学校长奖章、十佳青年岗位能手等荣誉;指导学生获挑战杯全国银奖、“互联网+”省级金奖等奖励。代表性论文如下:

1.Y.J. Li, G. Yuan*, L.L. Li*, J. Kang, F.K. Yan, P.J. Du, D. Raabe*, G.D. Wang. Ductile 2-GPa steels with hierarchical substructure, Science, 2023; 379: 168-173.ESI高被引论文

2.Y.J. Li*, L.L. Li, J. Kang, N.T. Niu, H. Xi, Y. Liu, G. Yuan*, G.D. Wang. Achieving unprecedented yield strength of 2.2 GPa with high ductility in formed parts using strain-aging, Scripta Materialia, 2023; 233: 115521.

3.Y.J. Li, D. Liu, D. Chen, J. Kang*, X.H. Wang, G. Yuan*, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang. Response of retained austenite to quenching temperature in a novel low density Fe-Mn-Al-C steel processed by hot rolling-air cooling followed by non-isothermal partitioning, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019; 753: 197-207.

4.Y.J. Li, J. Kang, W.N. Zhang, D. Liu, X.H. Wang, G. Yuan*, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang. A novel phase transition behavior during dynamic partitioning and analysis of retained austenite in quenched and partitioned steels, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018; 710: 181-191.

5.Y.J. Li, D. Chen, D. Liu, J. Kang*, G. Yuan*, Q.J. Mao, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang. Combined thermo-mechanical controlled processing and dynamic carbon partitioning of low carbon Si/Al-Mn steels, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018; 732: 298-310.

6.Y.J. Li, X.L. Li, G. Yuan*, J. Kang, D. Chen, G.D. Wang. Microstructure and partitioning behavior characteristics in low carbon steels treated by hot-rolling direct quenching and dynamical partitioning processes, Materials Characterization, 2016; 121: 157-165.

7.Y.J. Li, Q.J. Mao, J. Kang*, X.H. Wang, G. Yuan*, G.D. Wang. Determination of retained austenite using CCE model accounting for isothermal transformation in a low density quenched and partitioned steel, Materials Letters, 2019; 239: 90-93.

8.Y.J. Li, D. Liu, W.N. Zhang, J. Kang*, D. Chen, G. Yuan*, G.D. Wang. Quenching above martensite start temperature in quenching and partitioning (Q&P) steel through control of partial phase transformation, Materials Letters, 2018; 230: 36-39.

9.Y.J. Li, D. Chen, J. Kang*, X.L. Li, G. Yuan*, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang. Kinetics of Carbon Partitioning during Non‐Isothermal Treatment and Mechanical Properties of the First Industrial Coils of Hot Rolled Quenched and Partitioned Steel, Steel Research International, 2019: 1900122.

10.Y.J. Li, D. Chen, X.L. Li, J. Kang, G. Yuan*, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang. Microstructural evolution and dynamic partitioning behavior in quenched and partitioned steels, Steel Research International, 2018; 89: 1700326.
