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2012年毕业于西北工业大学新澳门六合彩开奖 ,获博士学位,同年进入西北有色金属研究院工作。



1Weiju Jia, Yaoxu Zan, Chengliang Mao, Silan Li, Wei Zhou, Qian Li, Siyuan Zhang, Vincent Ji. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of a lamellar near-alpha titanium alloy treated by laser shock peeningVacuum, 184 (2021) 109906.

2Weiju Jia, Hengzhang Zhao, Yaoxu Zana, Ping Guo, Xiaonan Mao. Effect of heat treatment and laser shock peening on the microstructures and properties of electron beam welded Ti-6.5Al-1Mo-1V-2Zr joints, Vacuum, 155 (2018): 496-503.

3Weiju Jia, Hengzhang Zhao, Quan Hong, Lei Li, Xiaonan Mao. Research on the thermal stability of a near α titanium alloy before and after laser shock peening, Material character, 117C (2016): 30-34.

4Weiju Jia, Quan Hong, Hengzhang Zhao, Lei Li, Dong Han. Effect of laser shock peening on the mechanical properties of a near-α titanium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 606 (2014): 354-359.

5Ning Wang, Weiju JiaXiaonan MaoWei ZhouChengliang Mao. Micro-Deformation and Fracture Features of Ti834 Titanium Alloy under Fatigue LoadingMetals, 13 (2023), 1149.

6Xinyu Zhang, Weiju Jia , Xiaonan Mao. Effect of microstructure on the tensile properties and impact toughness of TC21G titanium alloy, Materials Characterization 185 (2022) 111752.

7Ke Wang, Yongqing Zhao, Weiju Jia, Silan Li, Chengliang Mao. The high-Temperature Deformation Behavior of As-Cast Ti90 Titanium Alloy, Metals, 11(2021), 1630.

8)王 宁,贾蔚菊,毛小南,毛成亮,张思远 ,周 伟,李思兰,李 倩. 热处理对 IMI834 钛合金组织及拉伸性能的影响, 稀有金属材料与工程, 2022, 51(8): 3077-3088.

9)昝垚旭,贾蔚菊,赵恒章,樊建锋,毛小南,周 廉. 激光冲击 Ti834 合金强化层显微组织演变,稀有金属材料与工程, 2020, 49(1): 343-348.

10)昝垚旭,贾蔚菊,赵恒章,樊建锋,毛小南,周 廉. 激光冲击对Ti834合金残余应力及显微组织的影响, 稀有金属材料与工程, 2019, 48(11): 3535-3540.

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