姓名:刘杨 教授/博士生导师
性别:男 出生日期:1978年11月12日
办公电话:024-83672799 Email:[email protected]
1. 学习简历
1997年09月──2001年07月,东北大学 材料科学与工程系,获工学学士学位
2002年09月──2005年03月,东北大学 钢铁冶金专业,获工学硕士学位
2005年03月──2008年07月,东北大学 材料系,获工学博士学位
2009年10月──2012年09月,东北大学 冶金工程博士后流动站,博士后
2. 工作简历
《Materials Science and Engineering A》《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》《Materials Characterization》《金属学报》等期刊审稿人
(4)高温合金热端部件服役损伤机制及其寿命评估技术,科技部863新材料领域重大专项 子课题,课题负责人
6. 获奖及荣誉
(1)Yang Liu*, Lei Wang*, Kaiyue Yang, Xiu Song. Mechanism for superior fatigue performance of warm laser shock peened IN718 superalloy after high-temperature ageing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 923: 166340.
(2)Yang Liu*, Lei Wang*, Kaiyue Yang, Xiu Song. Characteristics of microstructure evolution of surface treated IN718 superalloy by warm laser shock peening during long-term aging at high temperatures, Materials Characterization, 2022, 193: 112261.
(3)Shuo Huang, Ruikang Sun, Lei Wang*, Danyang Dong, Ran Duan, Xiu Song, Yang Liu*. Microstructure evolution and fracture mechanism of a Fe-Ni-Cr superalloy during various strain rates tensile deformation at elevated temperatures, Journal of Materials Science 2023, 58: 083689.
(4)王磊,刘杨*,宋秀,胥国华,孟凡强.金属耦合场处理研究进展与趋势,材料热处理学报, 2022, 43: 1-12.
(5)Hanzhong Deng, Lei Wang*, Yang Liu*, Xiu Song, Fanqiang Meng, Shuo Huang. The evolution law of δ phase of IN718 superalloy in temperature/stress coupled field, Materials Characterization, 2022, 184: 111684.
(6)Yang Liu*, Lei Wang*, Kaiyue Yang, Xiu Song. Efects of thermally assisted warm laser shock processing on the microstructure and fatigue property of IN718 superalloy, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2021, 34: 1645-1656.
(7)Taosha Liang, Lei Wang*, Yang Liu*, Xiu Song. Unveiling the strengthening mechanism of laser welded fusion zone of dissimilar Ni-based superalloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020, 787: 139453.
(8)Taosha Liang, Lei Wang*, Yang Liu*, Xiu Song. Role of script MC carbides on the tensile behavior of laser-welded fusion zone in DZ125L/IN718 joints at 650 ℃, Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55: 13389-13397.
(10)Yang Liu, Danyang Dong*, Zhiqiang Han, Zhibin Yang, Lu Wang, Qingwei Dong. Microstructure and strain rate-dependent tensile deformation behavior of fiber laser-welded butt joints of dual-phase steels, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27: 2148-2165.
(11)Taosha Liang, Lei Wang*, Yang Liu*, Xiu Song. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded Joints of DZ125L and IN718 Nickel Base Superalloys, Metals and Materials International, 2018, 24: 604-615.
(12)冯祥利,王磊*,刘杨.Q460钢焊接接头组织及动态断裂行为的研究,金属学报, 2016, 52: 787-796.
(13)Danyang Dong, Yang Liu*, Lei Wang, Yuling Yang, Di Jiang, Renchen Yang, Wanglinhan Zhang. Microstructure and deformation behavior of laser welded dissimilar dual phase steel joints, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2016, 21: 75-82.
(14)Yang Liu*, Danyang Dong, Lei Wang, Xi Chu, Pengfei Wang, Mengmeng Jin. Strain rate dependent deformation and failure behavior of laser welded DP780 steel joint under dynamic tensile loading, Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, 627A: 296-305.
(15)董丹阳, 刘杨*, 王磊, 杨玉玲, 李金凤, 金梦梦. 应变速率对DP780钢激光焊接接头动态变形行为的影响, 金属学报, 2013, 49: 1493-1500.
(16)刘杨,王磊*,何思斯,冯飞,吕旭东,张北江. 长期时效对GH4169合金动态拉伸变形行为的影响,金属学报, 2012, 48: 49-55.
(17)授权发明专利:刘杨,王磊,宋秀. 一种硬质合金/钢多孔补偿网增强钎焊接头及其制备方法,国家知识产权局, 2021年10月29日, ZL202110717810.9.