姓名:吕铮 教授/博士生导师
性别: 男 出生年月:1970年10 月
电话:18940023510 Email:[email protected]
1988年9月── 1992年7月东北工学院金属物理专业,工学学士
1992年9月── 1995年1月东北大学材料物理专业,工学硕士
1995年3月── 1998年7月中国科学院金属研究所金属材料及热处理专业,工学博士
1998年10月── 2001年 9月,德国Erlangen-Nurnberg大学 博士后;
2001年10月── 2008年12月,英国Loughborough大学,Research Associate;
2009年01月── 至今,东北大学材料各向异性与织构教育部重点实验室/新澳门六合彩开奖 。
4.近年来承担的科研项目 (09-至今)
(1)“核用ODS-高熵合金中纳米氧化物的形成机制与调控研究”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人
(2)“纳米结构ODS钢中富Y-Ti-O析出相的形成、演化与控制研究”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人
(1)Li Yu, Zheng Lu*, Xiaolong Li, Shibo Peng, Hui Li, Effect of Zr and Hf addition on microstructure and tensile properties of high-Al Ni-based ODS superalloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 854 (2022) 143811
(2)Li Yu,Zheng Lu*,Shibo Peng,Xiaolong Li,Effect of Al/Ti ratio on γ′ and oxide dispersion strengthening in Ni-based ODS superalloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 845 (2022)143240
(3)Shibo Peng, Zheng Lu*, Shang Gao, Hui Li,Improved microstructure and mechanical properties of ODS-CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloys by different Ti, Zr and Y2O3 addition, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 935 (2023) 168166.
(4)Yingnan Shi, Zheng Lu, Li Yu, Rui Xie, Yuhang Ren, Guang Yang, Microstructure and tensile properties of Zr-containing ODS-FeCrAl alloy fabricated by laser additive manufacturing,Materials Science & Engineering A 774 (2020) 138937.
(5)Yingnan Shi,Zheng Lu*, Haijian Xu,Rui Xie, Yuhang Ren,Guang Yang, Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties of laser additive manufactured oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-9Cr alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 791(2019) 121-133.
(6)Chenyang Lu, Zheng Lu*, Rui Xie, Zhengyuan Li, Chunming Liu, and Lumin Wang, Effect of Y/Ti Atomic Ratio on the Microstructure of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloys, Materials Characterization,134 (2017)35-40
(7)Haijian Xu, Zheng Lu*, Shigeharu Ukai, Naoko Oono, Chunming Liu, Effects of annealing temperature on nanoscale particles in oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-15Cr alloy powders with Ti and Zr additions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 693 (2017) 177-187.
(8)Litong Yang, Yong Jiang, Yuan Wu, G. Robert Odette, Zhangjian Zhou, Zheng Lu,The ferrite/oxide interface and helium management in nano-structured ferritic alloys from the first principles, Acta Materialia, 103(2016)474-482.
(11)Z. Lu, R.G. Faulkner, N. Riddle, K. Yang, Effectof Heat Treatment on Mocrostructure and Hardness of Eurofer 97, Eurofer ODS andT92 steels, Journal of Nuclear Materials,386-388 (2009)445-448.
(12)Z. Lu,R.G Faulkner,and T.S.Morgan“Formation of austenite in high Cr ferritic/martensitic steels by high fluence neutron irradiation”,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 382 (2008) 223-228.
(13)Z. Lu, R.G. Faulkner, G. was and B.D. Wirth,“Irradiation-induced grain boundary chromium microchemistry in high alloy ferritic steels”, Scripta Materialia 58 (2008) 878-881.
(14)Z. Lu, R. G. Faulkner, P.E.J. Flewitt,“Irradiation-induced Impurity Segregation and Ductile-to-Brittle TransitionTemperature Shift in High Chromium Ferritic/Martensitic Steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 367-370 (2007)621-626.
(15)Z. Lu, R. G. Faulkner, P.E.J. Flewitt, “The role of Irradiation Induced Phosphorus Segregation in the Ductile-to-BrittleTransition Temperature in Ferritic Steels”, Materials Sciences and Engineering A, 437 (2006)306-312.
(16)Z. Lu, R. G. Faulkner, N. Sakaguchib, H. Kinoshit,H. Takahashi and P.E.J. Flewitt, “Effect of hafnium on radiation-induced inter-granular segregation ”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 351 (2006)155-161.
(17)R. G. Faulkner, R. B. Jones, Z. Lu and P.E.J. Flewitt, “Grainboundary Impurity Segregation and Neutron Irradiation Effects in FerriticAlloys”, Philosophical Magazine, 85(2005)2065-2099.
(18)Z. Lu, R. G. Faulkner, N. Sakaguchib, H.Kinoshit, H. Takahashi and P.E.J. Flewitt, “Control of phosphorus inter-granular segregation in ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 329-333(2004)1017-1021.
(21)吕铮,刘春明,一种纳米结构氧化物弥散强化钢的批量制备技术, ZL201510460979.5