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通讯地址:辽宁省沈阳市和平区 东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室105信箱


主要从事高强韧汽车钢基础理论和应用技术研究,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文51篇,包括金属材料领域顶级期刊Scripta Mater 10篇,担任金属材料英国老牌期刊Mater Sci Technol编委。以第一发明人申请中国发明专利42项(已授权27件),通过PCT途径申请国外同族专利53项(已授权16件)。牵头或参与制定中国汽车工程学会团体标准4项。主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金、钢铁联合基金重点项目等纵向课题7项,主持与韩国POSCO、华为、鞍钢、本钢、唐钢、承钢、马钢、东风实业、通用汽车、大众汽车、奇瑞汽车等多家企业的合作项目22项。入选2018年苏州工业园区“科技领军人才”、2019“兴辽英才”青年拔尖人才、2019年辽宁省第十三批“百千万人才工程”百人层次2020年苏州市“姑苏创新创业领军人才”2020年江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划“双创人才”,2020年冶金科学技术奖一等奖。




















1. 高强韧汽车钢,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金,2018.01-2020.12

2. 低密度、高弹性模量、高强韧性钢的理论与技术基础研究,国家自然科学基金钢铁联合基金重点项目,2016.01-2019.12

3. ODS低活化钢薄带铸轧一体化制备研究,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2019.01-2023.12

4. 超高强度钢汽车零部件成形与应用关键共性技术,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2016.07-2020.12

5. 高强韧汽车钢,兴辽英才计划,2020.01-2022.12

6. 一种新的齿轮钢的高温临界区渗碳细化晶粒技术及其机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,2013.01-2015.12

7. 新型高强韧钢铁材料开发与强韧化机理研究,育材堂(苏州)材料科技有限公司,2023.01-2028.12

8. 超低密度钢技术开发,华为技术有限公司,2020.07-2021.07

9. 新型2300MPa装甲钢热冲压工艺开发及防弹性能机理研究,东风(武汉)实业有限公司,2019.11-2020.12

10. 纳米析出2GPa高韧性热冲压钢的生产技术开发,河钢股份有限公司唐山分公司,2018.01-2019.06

11. 中信-CBMM铌钢研究与开发(R&D)项目合作协议,中信金属宁波能源有限公司,2017.12-2018.12

12. 22MnB5热冲压成型钢技术开发及铝硅板的对比检测合同,河钢股份有限公司唐山分公司,2017.10-2018.12

13. 汽车用钢典型点焊接头组织性能检测及失效机理研究,马鞍山钢铁股份有限公司,2017.07-2018.06

14. Materials design for improving ductility of HPF1800 steels based on Q&DP,韩国POSCO集团,2017.02-2018.01

15. 22MnB5热冲压成型钢技术开发,河钢股份有限公司唐山分公司,2016.12-2018.03

16. 1500MPa级含钒热成型高强钢的开发,河钢股份有限公司承德分公司,2016.12-2017.12

17. 基于连退时效处理工艺下的新型淬火-配分QP980钢设计与开发,本钢板材股份有限公司,2016.05-2018.05

18. 新型双相DP980镀锌板设计与开发,本钢板材股份有限公司,2016.05-2018.05

19. 新型高强韧低密度Delta-TRIP780钢设计与开发,本钢板材股份有限公司,2016.05-2018.05

20. 新型1800MPa级钢板、Al-Si镀层钢板热冲压成形关键工艺及焊接技术开发,东风(武汉)实业有限公司,2015.09-2017.12

21. Effect of partitioning of Mn and Al on mechanical property of middle Mn steel,韩国POSCO集团,2015.07-2016.06

22. 新一代低密度超高强韧性汽车钢设计与开发,鞍钢股份有限公司,2015.01-2016.12

23. PHS1500/PHS1800热冲压成形用钢开发,本钢板材股份有限公司,2015.01-2016.12

24. 基于Q-T&P工艺的新型可镀锌超高强韧热冲压成形钢开发,重庆哈工易成形钢铁科技有限公司,2014.09-2015.08

25. Materials design for improving ductility of HPF steels based on quenching and dynamic partitioning Ⅱ,韩国POSCO集团,2014.08-2015.08

26. 热冲压成形材料高温FLD、材料抗高温氧化性能研究,中国汽车工程研究院, 2013.08-2014.06

27. 热冲压成形材料电阻电焊工艺与性能研究,中国汽车工程研究院股份有限公司,2013.08-2014.01

28. Materials design for improving ductility of HPF steels based on quenching and dynamic partitioning,韩国POSCO集团,2013.06-2015.05


1. T/CSAE 179-2021,汽车用高韧性热镀铝硅合金镀层热冲压钢板技术要求,中国汽车工程学会团体标准,2021-04-12

2. T/CSAE xx


3. T/CSAE 154-2020,超高强度汽车钢板极限尖冷弯性能试验方法,中国汽车工程学会团体标准,2020-12-31

4. T/CSAE 155-2020,超高强度汽车钢板氢致延迟断裂敏感性U形恒弯曲载荷试验方法,中国汽车工程学会团体标准,2020-12-31




[1] J.C. Pang, W.F. Yang, G.D. Wang, S.J. Zheng, R.D.K. Misra, H.L. Yi*. Divorced eutectoid transformation in high-Al added steels due to heterogenous nucleation of κ-carbide. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2022, 209: 114395.

[2] P. Chen, X.W. Li, P.F. Wang, G.D. Wang, J.Y. Guo, R.D. Liu, H.L. Yi*. Partitioning-related microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior in a δ-quenching and partitioning steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology (IF 6.267), 2022, 17: 1338-1348.

[3] P. Chen, X. Xu, C. Lin, F.M. Yang, J.C. Pang, X.W. Li, H.L. Yi*. Controlling carbide evolution to improve the ductility in high specific Young’s modulus steels. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) (IF 3.024), 2022, 35: 1703-1711.

[4] Z.X. Li, Y.L. Chen, L.C. Zhang, R.D.K. Misra, H.L. Yi*. Enhancement of mechanical properties in dissimilar resistance spot welds between galvannealed dual phase and Al–Si coated press hardening steels. ISIJ International (IF 1.864), 2022, 62(11): 2355-2365.

[5] P. Chen, J. Fu, X. Xu, C. Lin, J.C. Pang, X.W. Li, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. A high specific Young’s modulus steel reinforced by spheroidal kappa-carbide. Journal of Materials Science & Technology (IF 10.319), 2021, 87: 54-59.

[6] D.P. Yang, P.J. Du, D. Wu, H.L. Yi*. The microstructure evolution and tensile properties of medium-Mn steel heat-treated by a two-step annealing process. Journal of Materials Science & Technology (IF 10.319), 2021, 75: 205-215.

[7] B.G. Wang, G.D. Wang, R.D.K. Misra, H.L. Yi*. Increased hot-formability and grain-refinement by dynamic recrystallization of ferrite in an in situ TiB2 reinforced steel matrix composite. Materials Science and Engineering A (IF 6.044), 2021, 812: 141100.

[8] F.Y. Zhao, P. Chen*, B.Y. Xu, Q. Yu, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Martensite transformation of retained austenite with diverse stability and strain partitioning during tensile deformation of a carbide-free bainitic steel. Materials Characterization (IF 4.537), 2021, 179: 111327.

[9] H.L. Cai, J.F. Wang*, D. Wu, H.L. Yi*. A simple methodology to determine fracture strain of press-hardened steels under plane strain bending. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (IF 2.726), 2021, 52: 644-654.

[10] B. Deng, Z.Y. Hou, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Toughness improvement in a novel martensitic stainless steel achieved by quenching–tempering and partitioning. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (IF 2.726), 2021, 52: 4852-4864.

[11] M.K. Bai, D.P. Yang, G.D. Wang, J.H. Ryu, K.Y. Lee, R.D.K. Misra, H.L. Yi*. Austenite/ferrite interface movement during intercritical annealing of a medium Mn steel. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2021, 37(8): 745-751.

[12] L.Q. Liu, X.C. Xiong*, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Suppression of austenite grain coarsening by ferrite pinning during pseudo-carburizing treatment. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (IF 2.036), 2021, 30: 2381-2388.

[13] H.L. Cai, P. Chen, J.K. Oh, Y.R. Cho, D. Wu, H.L. Yi*. Quenching and flash-partitioning enables austenite stabilization during press-hardening processing. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2020, 178: 77-81.

[14] D.P. Yang, D. Wu, H.L. Yi*. Comments on “The effects of the heating rate on the reverse transformation mechanism and the phase stability of reverted austenite in medium Mn steels” by J. Han and Y.-K. Lee, Acta Materialia 67 (2014) 354-361. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2020, 174: 11-13. (评论文章)

[15] X. Xu, B.Y. Xu, P. Chen, R.D. Liu, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Effect of austenite stability on the hole expansion behavior of δ-TRIP steels. Materials Today Communications (IF 3.662), 2020, 174: 101034.

[16] F.Y. Zhao, P. Chen, B.Y. Xu, Q. Yu, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. A carbide-free bainitic steel with high-ductility by dynamic transformation during coiling process. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2020, 36(15): 1704-1711.

[17] 易红亮*, 常智渊, 才贺龙, 杜鹏举, 杨达朋. 热冲压成形钢的强度与塑性及断裂应变. 金属学报 (IF 1.797), 2020, 56(4): 429-443.

[18] Z.R. Hou, T. Opitz, X.C. Xiong, X.M. Zhao, H.L. Yi*. Bake-partitioning in a press-hardening steel. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2019, 162: 492-496.

[19] D.P. Yang, D. Wu, H.L. Yi*. Reverse transformation from martensite into austenite in a medium-Mn steel. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2019, 161: 1-5.

[20] P.J. Du, D.P. Yang, M.K. Bai, X.C. Xiong, D. Wu, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Austenite stabilization by two-step partitioning of manganese and carbon in Mn-TRIP steels. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2019, 35: 2084-2091.

[21] 王宝刚,易红亮*,王国栋,骆智超,黄明欣. 原位生成铁基复合材料中TiB2的三维形貌重构. 金属学报 (IF 1.797), 2019, 55(1): 133-140.

[22] P. Chen, G.D. Wang, A.V. Ceguerra, A.J. Breen, S.P. Ringer, X.C. Xiong, Q. Lue, J.F. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Yield strength enhancement by carbon trapping in ferrite of the quenching and partitioning steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (IF 2.726), 2018, 49(1): 235-240.

[23] H.L. Yi*, L. Sun, X.C. Xiong. Challenges in the formability of the next generation of automotive steel sheets. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2018, 34(9): 1112-1117.

[24] Z.R. Hou, X.M. Zhao, W. Zhang, H.L. Liu, H.L. Yi*. A medium manganese steel designed for water quenching and partitioning. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2018, 34(10): 1168-1175.

[25] J.C. Pang, B.Y. Xu, G.D. Wang, Q. Lu, J.F. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Effect of silicon and aluminum in ferrite on tensile and impact properties. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2017, 33(15): 1806-1810.

[26] P. Chen, X.C. Xiong, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. The origin of the brittleness of high aluminum pearlite and the method for improving ductility. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2016, 124: 42-46.

[27] P. Chen, G.D. Wang, X.C. Xiong, H.L. Yi*. Abnormal expansion due to pearlite-to-austenite transformation in high aluminium-added steels. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2016, 32: 1678-1682.

[28] X.C. Xiong, L. Sun, J.F. Wang, X.Y. Jin, L. Wang, B.Y. Xu, P. Chen, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Properties assessment of the first industrial coils of low-density duplex δ-TRIP steel. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2016, 32: 1403-1408.

[29] M.K. Bai, J.C. Pang, G.D. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Martensitic transformation cracking in high carbon steels for bearings. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2016, 32: 1179-1183. (特邀论文 “Recent developments in bearing steels”)

[30] M.X. Huang*, B.B. He, X. Wang, H.L. Yi*. Interfacial plasticity of a TiB2-reinforced steel matrix composite fabricated by eutectic solidification. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2015, 99: 13-16.

[31] H.L. Yi*. Review on δ-transformation-induced plasticity (trip) steels with low density: The concept and current progress. JOM, 2014, 66(9): 1759-1769. (特邀论文: “Processing-Structure-Property Correlation of Low Density Steels”)

[32] H.L. Yi*, P. Chen, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia. Optimising the morphology and stability of retained austenite in a δ-TRIP steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (IF 2.762), 2014, 45(8): 3512-3518.

[33] H.L. Yi*, H.L. Cai, Z.Y. Hou, J.C. Pang, D. Wu, G.D. Wang. Low density steel 1.2C-1.5Cr-5Al designed for bearings. Materials Science and Technology (IF 2.060), 2014, 30(9): 1045-1049.

[34] H.L. Yi*, P. Chen, Z.Y. Hou, N. Hong, H.L. Cai, Y.B. Xu, D. Wu, G.D. Wang. A novel design: Partitioning achieved by quenching and tempering (Q–T & P) in an aluminium-added low-density steel. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2013, 68(6): 370-374. (特邀论文: “Low-Density Steels”)

[35] H.L. Yi*, Z.Y. Hou, Y.B. Xu, D. Wu, G.D. Wang. Acceleration of spheroidization in eutectoid steels by the addition of aluminum. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2012, 67: 645-648.

[36] H.L. Yi, J.H. Ryu, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia*, H.W. Yen, J.R. Yang. Low-alloy duplex, directly-quenched TRIP-steel. Scripta Materialia (IF 6.302), 2011, 65(7): 604-607.

[37] H.L. Yi, K.Y. Lee, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia*. Mechanical stabilisation phenomenon of retained austenite in δ-TRIP steel. Materials Science & Engineering A (IF 6.044), 2011, 528: 5900-5903.

[38] H.L. Yi, K.Y. Lee, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia*. Extraordinary ductility in al-bearing delta-TRIP steel. Proceedings of the Royal Society A (IF 3.213), 2011, 467: 234-243. (被该杂志评为2011年度引用排名第二的文章)

[39] H.L. Yi, K.Y. Lee, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia*. Stabilisation of ferrite in hot rolled δ-TRIP steel. Materials Science &Technology (IF 2.060), 2011, 27: 525-529.

[40] H.L. Yi*, S. Ghosh, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia. Dual-phase hot-press forming alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A (IF 6.044), 2010, 527: 4870-4874.

[41] H.L. Yi*. Full pearlite obtained by slow cooling in medium carbon steel. Materials Science & Engineering A (IF 6.044), 2010, 527: 7600-7604.

[42] H.L. Yi, K.Y. Lee, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia*. Spot weldability of δ-TRIP steel containing 0.4 wt% C. Science and Technology of Welding & Joining (IF 4.114), 2010, 15(7): 619-624.

[43] H.L. Yi, S.K. Ghosh, W.J. Liu, K.Y. Lee, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia*. Non-equilibrium solidification and ferrite in δ-TRIP steel. Materials Science & Technology (IF 2.060), 2010, 26: 817-823.