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通讯地址:辽宁省沈阳市和平区文化路3号巷11号,东北大学 轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室



2004/09-2008/07,哈尔滨工业大学新澳门六合彩开奖 ,博士

2002/09-2004/07,哈尔滨工业大学新澳门六合彩开奖 ,硕士

1998/09-2002/07,哈尔滨工业大学新澳门六合彩开奖 ,学士


2019.1-至今,东北大学 轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,教授,博士生导师

2012/01-2018.12,东北大学 轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,副教授、硕士生导师

2008/07-2011/12,东北大学 轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,讲师


[1] 材料成型及控制工程专业本科生课程《材料成形工艺学》

[2] 材料加工工程专业博士研究生课程《材料物理模拟技术》

[3] 指导博士研究生7人,硕士研究生28人,5人次获博士生国家奖学金,多人次荣获中信铌钢奖学金、烟台水冷奖学金等。


主要从事各类先进钢铁材料的焊接及增材制造技术相关研究,对于汽车领域的先进热成形钢及各类先进高强钢、军工领域的超高强韧中锰钢及马氏体装甲钢、高锰容器钢、各类不锈钢、钢铝异质材料等开展包括搅拌摩擦焊、激光焊、激光-电弧复合焊、电阻焊等焊接技术以及增材制造的研究工作,重点关注焊接及增材过程中的冶金行为、焊材设计、变形及熔池流动数值模拟、新型焊接工艺技术开发等。2013年入选东北大学高层次人才培养计划曙光学者,2019年获东北大学江河奖教金,2020年获辽宁省优秀青年科学基金,2021年获江苏省双创人才,2022年获东北大学荣程祥青奖教金,2022年获江苏省双创团队领军人才,中国金属学会深加工分会委员、中国有色金属学会焊接与连接分会委员。中国冶金杂志编委、塑性工程学报青年编委。主持国家重点研发计划课题、 3项国家自然科学基金、多项企业合作课题等。从事先进钢铁材料的焊接与连接研究,发表论文 50余篇,其中第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文40篇,SCI 论文它引500余次,专著 2部,授权专利10余项,获冶金科技进步二等奖1项。


[1] 江苏育材堂,超高强热成形钢高效激光拼焊技术研究,2023-2026,主持

[2] 中石化,摩擦焊修复低温容器埋弧焊皮下缺陷研究,2023-2025,主持

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于奥氏体层错能调控的搅拌摩擦焊中锰钢焊缝韧塑性机理研究,2023-2026,主持


[5] 辽宁自然科学基金优青项目,高性能钛合金复合钢板的关键制备技术,2020-2023,主持

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,搅拌摩擦焊高强管线钢环缝的复相组织演化与增韧机制研究,2018-2021,主持

[7] 唐山文丰,文丰难焊接特厚复合板生产装备和工艺开发,2017-2021,主持

[8] 南钢,轧制耐蚀不锈钢复合板工艺技术开发研究,2014-2018,主持

[9] 教育部基本科研业务费项目,搅拌摩擦点焊超高强汽车钢的焊接冶金行为研究,2017-2019,主持

[10] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,搅拌摩擦加工细晶镁合金的高应变速率超塑性及其变形机制研究,2011-2013,主持


1.Y.Q. Wang, J.X. Su, Z.Q. Jin, R.H. Duan, G.M. Xie*, Improved resistance to hydrogen embrittlement in the nugget zone of friction stir welded medium Mn steel via post-welding annealing, Corrosion Science, 227, 2024, 111786.

2.Y.Q. Wang, F.Y. Li, J.X. Su, R.H. Duan, Z.A. Luo, G.M. Xie*, Enhancing strength and ductility in the nugget zone of friction stir welded 7Mn steel via tailoring austenitic stability. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 185, 2024, 174-185.

3.W.P. Tian, Z.Q. Jin, G.M. Xie*, Wire-arc directed energy deposition super martensitic stainless steel with excellent strength and plasticity, Journal of Manufacturing Processing. 103, 2023, 11-22.

4.F.R. Wang, Y.K. Wang, S.B. Zhu, S. Guo, G.M. Xie*, Effect of interlayer thickness on interfacial evolution and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V/EH690 clad plate by vacuum hot rolling, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Accepted.

5.X.F. Chen, Z.X. Li, D.P. Yang, Y.Q. Wang, H.L. Yi*, G.M. Xie*, Achieving excellent properties of resistance spot welded 2GPa-grade press hardened steel and galvanized DP980 steel via double-pulse, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 28, 2024, 4475-4487.

6.X.F. Chen, J.W. Liang*, D.P. Yang, Z.P. Hu, X. Xu, X.L. Gu, G.M. Xie*, Effect of chromium on microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-dip galvanized dual-phase (DP980) steel, Crystals, 13, 2023, 1287.

7.G.M. Xie*, R.H. Duan, Y.Q. Wang, Z.A. Luo, G.D. Wang. Microstructure and toughness of thick-gauge pipeline steel joint via double-sided friction stir welding combined with preheating. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2023, 30: 724-733.8.F.R. Wang, S. Guo, Y.Q. Wang, S.B. Zhu, G.M. Xie*, Effect of Nb interlayer on microstructure and property of Ti-6Al-4V/690MPa grade steel clad plate by vacuum rolling, Materials Science and Engineering A, 17, 2023, 14450.

9.S. Guo, F.R. Wang, Y.Q. Wang, G.M. Xie*, Microstructural evolution and properties of Ti/Al clad plate fabricated by vacuum rolling and heat treatment, Materials Science and Engineering A, 15, 2023, 145445.

10.Y.Q. Wang, Y.X. Ding, R.H. Duan, Z.A. Luo, G.M. Xie*, The formation mechanism of austenite in the ultrahigh strength-toughness medium-Mn steel via friction stir welding, Materials Characterization, 203, 2023, 113104.

11.Y.Q. Wang, S. Guo, R.H. Duan, J.X. Su, G.M. Xie*, Achievement of high strength and plasticity product of the nugget zone in friction stir welded high-Mn steel via controlling stacking fault energy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 862, 2023, 144427.

12.R.H. Duan, Y.Q. Wang, G.D. Wang, G.M. Xie*. Hydrogen embrittlement behavior in the nugget zone of friction stir welded X100 pipeline steel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 180: 111392.

13.G.Q. Wang, Y.Q. Wang, R.H. Duan, G.M. Xie*, Enhancements in the bonding properties of a friction stir lap welded interstitial free steel and Al alloy by introducing a Ni Interlayer, Metals, 11, 2021, 1782.

14.Y.Q. Wang, R.H. Duan, J. Hu, Z.A. Luo, Z.Y. Ma, G.M. Xie*. Improvement in toughness and ductility of friction stir welded medium-Mn steel joint via post-welding annealing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2022, 306: 117621.

15.R.H. Duan, Y.Q. Wang, Z.A. Luo, G.D. Wang, G.M. Xie*. Achievement of excellent strength and plasticity in the nugget zone of friction stir welded bainitic steel and its deformation behavior. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 20: 3381-3390.

16.G.M. Xie*, R.H. Duan, Y.Q. Wang, Z.A. Luo, C. Wang, G.D. Wang. Crystallography of the nugget zone of bainitic steel by friction stir welding in various cooling mediums. Materials Characterization, 2021, 182: 111523.

17.R.H. Duan, G.M. Xie*, P. Xue, Z.Y. Ma, Z.A. Luo, C. Wang, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang. Microstructural refinement mechanism and its effect on toughness in the nugget zone of high-strength pipeline steel by friction stir welding. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 93: 211-231.

18.R.H. Duan, G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, P. Xue, C. Wang, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang, Microstructure, Crystallography, and Toughness in Nugget Zone of Friction Stir Welded High-Strength Pipeline Steel, Materials Science and Engineering A 791202013962.

19.G.M. Xie, R.H. Duan, P. Xue, Z.Y. Ma, H.L. Liu, Z.A. Luo, Microstructure and mechanical properties of X80 pipeline steel joints by friction stir welding under various cooling conditions, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 33, 2020, 88-102.

20.G.M. Xie*, Z.Y. Ma, P. Xue, Z.A. Luo, G.D. Wang, Effects of tool rotation rates on superplastic deformation behavior of friction stir processed Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 54, 2018, 1745-1755.

21.G.M. Xie*, H.B. Cui, Z.A. Luo, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang, Asymmetric distribution of microstructure and impact toughness in stir zone during friction stir processed a high strength pipeline steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 704 (2017) 401-411.

22.G.M. Xie*, H.B. Cui, Z.A. Luo, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the stir zone during friction stir processing a lean duplex stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 704 (2017) 311-321.

23.H.B. Cui, G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, J. Ma, G.D. Wang, R.D.K. Misra, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the stir zone in friction stir processed AISI201 stainless steel, Materials and Design, 106 (2016) 463-475.

24.H.B. Cui, G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, J. Ma, G.D. Wang, R.D.K. Misra, Microstructural evolution and impact toughness of nugget zone in friction stir welded X100 pipeline steel, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 681 (2016) 426-433.

25.G.M. Xie*, H.B. Cui, Z.A. Luo, W. Yu, J. Ma, G.D. Wang, Effect of rotation rate on Microstructural characteristic and mechanical properties of friction stir spot welded DP780 steel, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 32 (2016) 326-332.

26.Z.A. Luo, G.M. Xie*, Z.Y. Ma, G.L. Wang, G.D. Wang, effect of yttrium addition on microstructural characteristics and superplastic behavior of friction stir processed ZK60 alloy, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 29 (2013) 1116-1122.

27.G.M. Xie*, Z.Y. Ma, Z.A. Luo, P. Xue, G.D. Wang, Effect of rotation rate on microstructures and mechanical properties of FSW Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy joints, Journla of Materials Science and Technology, 27, 2011, 1157-1164.

28.G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, Z.Y. Ma, P. Xue, G.D. Wang, Superplastic behavior of friction stir processed ZK60 magnesium alloy, Materials Transactions 52, 2011, 2278-2281.

29.G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, G.L. Wang, L. Li, G.D. WangInterface characteristic and properties of stainless steel / HSLA steel clad plate by vacuum rolling cladding, Materials Transactions 52, (2011), 1709-1712.

30.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Effect of Y addition microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded ZK60 alloy, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 25, 2009, 351-355.

31.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Effects of friction stir welding parameters on microstructures and mechanical properties of brass joints, Materials Transactions, 49, 2008, 1698-1701.

32.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Partial recrystallization in the nugget zone of friction stir welded dual-phase Cu-Zn alloy, Philosophical Magazine 89, 18 (2009) 1505-1516.

33.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, R.S. Chen, Microstructural evolution and enhanced super-plasticity in friction stir processed Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy, Journal of Materials Research 23, 5 (2008) 1207-1213.

34.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Effects of friction stir welding parameters on microstructures and mechanical properties of ZK60 magnesium alloy joints, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 44, 2008, 665-670.

35.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Microstructural evolution on mechanical properties of friction stir welded ZK60 alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 486 (2008) 49-55.

36.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, R.S. Chen, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of friction stir welded Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 471 (2007) 63-68.

37.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Development of fine-grained microstructure and properties of nugget zone in friction stir welded pure copper, Scripta Materialia 57 (2007) 73-76.


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2.谢广明, 段瑞海, 王玉前, 金志起, 骆宗安. 一种管线钢高强度高韧性搅拌摩擦焊接头的制备方法. ZL 2022 1 0085166.2

3. 谢广明,崔洪波,骆宗安,王国栋,一种真空搅拌摩擦焊接装置及金属复合板制备方法,ZL2017 1 104475967A

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5. 谢广明; 骆宗安; 王光磊; 王国栋; 厉梁, 一种钛-钢复合板薄带的制备方法, 2010.11.11ZL201010539333.3