姓名:金剑锋 性别:男
出生年月:1978年6月 政治面貌: 群众
职称:副教授三级 职务:无
办公电话: 13194248493
E-mail: [email protected]
1997/09 - 2001/07,东北大学,材料科学与工程专业,工学学士
1999/09 - 2001/07,东北大学,计算机科学与工程专业,获辅修学位
2002/09 - 2009/05,英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院(Queen Mary,University of London,UK)
2008/09 - 2009/07, 英国伦敦大学学院(University College London, UK),化学系,研究助理
2009/10 - 2012/08, 美国康涅狄格州立大学(University of Connecticut, US),机械系,博士后
2012/12 - 至今,东北大学,新澳门六合彩开奖
1、江苏锦绣铝业有限公司横向课题,“铝棒组织及型材缺陷分析、工艺改善技术服务”,(No. 2021020800042,2021/03-2024/03, 30万元)
2、西北稀有金属材料研究院稀有金属特种材料国家重点实验室开放课题“基于混晶和第二相粒子调控强韧化金属铍的模拟研究”,(No. SKL2018K003, 2019/01-2021/12, 20万元)
3、国家重点研发计划,“轻质高强镁合金集成计算与制备”项目“镁合金组织模拟与性能预测” 课题(四)中“变形过程组织模拟” 子课题(二)负责人,(No. 2016YFB0701204, 2016/07-2020/12, 70/2000万元)
4、中央财政基本科研业务费种子项目“陶瓷颗粒混合增强铁基复合材料的强化机理和显微组织优化设计研究”,(No.N180204012,2019/01-2020/12, 15万元)
5、辽宁省教育厅高等学校优秀人才支持计划资助,(No. LJQ2015037, 2015/08-2018/12, 6万元)
6、中央财政基本科研业务费种子项目“陶瓷颗粒增强铁基复合材料粒子受力”,(No. N151004004, 2016/01-2017/12, 10.5万元)
7、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“铝中形变孪晶形成临界条件的多尺度模拟研究”,(No. 51301035, 2014/01-2016/12, 25万元)
1.中央财政基本科研业务费交叉融合与协同发展项目“基于薄带连铸的金属材料组织性能一体化计算与智能设计”,(No. N2007011,2020/01-2022/12,120万)
2.高等学校学科创新引智计划,“金属材料的集成计算工程创新引智基地”,(No. B20029,2020/01-2024/12,900万)
3.联合基金项目/重点支持项目/NSFC-云南联合基金“Ag-陶瓷功能材料的设计与模拟”,(No.U1302272, 2014/01-2017/12, 30/220万元)
博士、博士后期间一直从事于计算材料学领域的研究,主要研究方向在多尺度与分子动力学的模拟纳米下金属结构材料的力学性能,从代码级精通准连续 (Quasicontinuum) 多尺度模拟方法。目前主要研究方向:多尺度模拟研究先进结构材料的力学性能、颗粒增强金属基复合材料的制备和力学性能优化等。担任本科《材料科学基础(上)》、《计算材料学》、《人工智能在材料设计中的应用》等专业课的教学工作。先后承担过国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等项目,主持和参与省部级以上科研课题10余项,其中横向2项。在国外学术期刊上发表被SCI/EI 收录的论文30余篇,被引用100余次。
1.Xie WZ, Liu C, Huang GC, Jiang DX, Jin JF*,Nano-sized single-asperity friction behavior: Insight from molecular dynamics simulations, European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids, 2022, 96,104760
2.Xie WZ, Jiang DX, Jin JF*, Liu C, Single-asperity failure mechanism driven by morphology and multiaxial loading using molecular dynamics simulation, Computational Materials Science, 2022, 213, 111671
3.李少杰, 金剑锋*, 宋宇豪, 王明涛, 唐帅, 宗亚平, 秦高梧, “工艺-组织-性能” 模拟研究Mg-Gd-Y合金混晶组织, 金属学报, 2022, 58(1): 114-128
4.唐帅,蓝慧芳,段磊,金剑锋,李建平,刘振宇,王国栋,铁素体区等温过程中Ti-Mo-Cu微合金钢中的共析出行为, 金属学报, 2022, 58(3): 355-364
5.Cao JY, Jin JF*, Li SJ, Wang MT, Tang S, Peng Q, Zong YP, Effect of microstructure on the onset strain and rate per strain of deformation-induced martensite transformation in Q&P Steel by modeling, Materials, 2022, 15(3):952
6.Xie HB, Pan HC, Bai JY, Xie DS, Yang PJ, Li SS, Jin JF, Huang QY, Ren YP, Qin GW, Twin boundary superstructures assembled by periodic segregation of solute atoms, Nano Letters, 2021, 21(22):9642–9650
7.Wang L, Jin JF*, Yang PJ, Li SJ, Tang S, Zong YP, Peng Q, Effect of interfacial bonding on dislocation strengthening in graphene nanosheet reinforced iron composite: A molecular dynamics study, Computational Materials Science, 2021, 191, 110309
8.Chen Y, Hu ZW, Jin JF, Li L, Yu YQ, Peng Q, Xu XP, Molecular dynamic simulations of scratching characteristics in vibration-assisted nano-scratch of single-crystal silicon, Applied Surface Science, 2021, 551(15):149451
9.Xie WZ, Liu C, Jiang DX, Jin JF*, Inelastic contact behaviors of nanosized single-asperity and multi-asperity on α-Fe surface: Molecular dynamic simulations, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 204(4):106569
10.Wang MT, Wang ZC, Yang ZY, Jin JF, Ling GP, Zong YP, Sintering and mechanical properties of (SiC + TiCx)p/Fe composites synthesized from Ti3AlC2, SiC, and Fe powders, Materials, 2021, 14(9):2453
11.Song YH, Wang MT, Ni J, Jin JF, Zong YP, Effect of grain boundary energy anisotropy on grain growth in ZK60 alloy using a 3D phase-field modeling, Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(12):128201
12.Wang L, Jin JF*, Yang PY, Zong YP, Peng Q, Graphene adhesion mechanics on iron substrates: Insight from molecular dynamic simulations, Crystals, 2019, 9(11), 579
13.Cao JY, Jin JF*, Wang L, Li SJ, Zong YP, Modeling for onset strain of deformation-induced martensite transformation in Q&P steel by a mean-field Eshelby approach, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 27, 085002
14.Jin JF*, Yang PJ, Cao JY, Li SJ, Peng Q, Quasicontinuum simulation of the effect of lotus-type nanocavity on the onset plasticity of single crystal Al during nanoindentation, Nanomaterials, 2018, 8(10),778
15.Wang L, Jin JF*, Cao JY, Yang PJ, Peng Q, Interaction of edge dislocations with graphene nanosheets in graphene/Fe composites, Crystals, 2018, 8(4), 160
16.Song YH, Wang MT, Zong YP, He R, Jin JF, Grain refinement by second phase particles under applied stress in ZK60 Mg alloy with Y through phase field simulation, Materials, 2018, 11(10):1903
17.Cao JY, Jin JF*, Wang L, Cheng T, Yang PJFinite-element modeling of particle size effect on mechanical properties of SiCp/Fe composites,IOP Conf Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 422 (1):012001
18.周思源,金剑锋*, 王璐,曹敬祎,杨培军, 多尺度模拟研究纳米凸体几何形貌对初始塑性的影响, 材料导报, 2018,32(02):316-321
19.何日,王明涛,金剑锋,宗亚平, 应力对AZ31镁合金晶粒长大和织构影响的相场模拟,中国有色金属学报, 2018, 28(6):1083-1091
20.He R, Wang MT, Jin JF, Zong YP, Effect of elastic strain energy on grain growth and texture in AZ31 magnesium alloy by phase-field simulation, Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26 (2), 128201
21.Jin JF*, Cao JY, Zhou SY, Yang PJ, Guo ZX, Quasicontinuum simulations of geometric effect on onset plasticity of nano-scale patterned lines, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 25(10): 065012
22.曹新建,金剑锋*,曹敬祎,宗亚平, 不同类型颗粒混合增强铁基复合材料的磨损性能, 材料工程, 2017, 45(8):62-67
23.Wu Y, Zong YP, Jin JF, Grain growth in a nanostructured AZ31 Mg alloy containing second phase particles studied by phase field simulations, Science China Materials, 2016, 59(5):355-362
24.张跃波,金剑锋*,曹新建,宗亚平, 包覆混料工艺对镀铜混合尺寸碳化硅增强铁基复合材料性能影响的研究, 材料科学与工艺, 2015, 23(1):13-19
25.曹新建,金剑锋*,张跃波,宗亚平, 陶瓷颗粒表面镀铜对陶瓷颗粒增强铁基复合材料性能的影响, 材料研究学报, 2015, 29 (1):17-24
26.Cao XJ, Jin JF*, Zhang YB, Zong YP, Mechanical properties of iron matrix composites reinforced by copper-coated hybrid ceramic particles, Journal of Materials Research, 2015,30(15):2360-2368
27.Zhang Y, Zong YP, Jin JF, Cao XJ, Electroless copper plating on particulate reinforcements and the effects on mechanical properties of SiCp/Fe composite, Surface Engineering, 2015, 31(3): 232-239
28.吴艳,宗亚平,金剑锋,张宪刚, 纳米镁合金中引入独立大尺寸晶粒的模拟研究, 材料科学与工程学报, 2013, 13: 682-686
29.Jin JF, Huang HC, Interaction of edge dislocation with stacking fault tetrahedron in Cu, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 2012,134 (1):011007
30.Jin JF, Shevlin.S, Guo ZX, Multiscale simulation of onset plasticity during nanoindentation of Al (001) surface, Acta Materialia, 2008, 56(16): 4358-4368
1、郭丹、金剑锋*、王明涛、贾楠、秦高梧,“新工科”背景下计算材料学实验教学改革与实践,实验室研究与探索,2022, 413(3):181-186
2、郭丹、金剑锋*、王明涛、贾楠、蒋敏,晶体材料原子尺度计算模拟实验教学设计,实验技术与管理,2022, 39(1):142-161
2.Jianfeng Jin,Modeling of mechanical behavior and design of microstructure on particulate compound materials,The 6th Asian Materials Data Symposium,April 15-18, 2019, Shanghai, China,Invited Report.
3.金剑锋,“颗粒复合体求解粒子受力的显微组织设计”, 第16届全国青年材料科学技术研讨会,天津大学,2017年10月15日,特约报告
4.金剑锋,“颗粒复合体求解粒子受力的显微组织设计”,华侨大学制造工程研究院高端论坛第15场, 华侨大学,2017年01月12日,特约报告