姓名:赵阳 职称:副教授/博士生导师
性别:男 出生年月:1989年2月
E-mail: zhaoyang7402@mail.newlhckj.com
1. 学习、工作简历
2018.09-2020.09,东北大学,新澳门六合彩开奖 ,博士后
2021.06-至今,东北大学,新澳门六合彩开奖 ,副教授
2. 主要研究方向
3. 学术成果
[1] Yang Zhao, Wenlong Qi, Tao Zhang, Hang Xiong, Fuhui Wang, Bridge for thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical corrosion:
Cathodic process with a complex equilibrium and deposition competition, Corrosion Science, 208 (2022) 110613.
[2] Yang Zhao, Tao Zhang, Hang Xiong, Fuhui Wang, Bridge for the thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical corrosion: Modeling on dissolution, ionization, diffusion and deposition in metal/solution interface, Corrosion Science, 191 (2021) 109763.
[3] Yang Zhao, Yong Hua, Bin Liu, Xuanpeng Li, Junfeng Xie, Guanxin Zeng, Tao Zhang, Fuhui Wang, The development of a mechanistic-chemometrics model with multi-degree of freedom for pitting corrosion of HP-13Cr stainless steel under extremely oilfield environments, Corrosion Science, 181 (2021) 109237.
[4] Yang Zhao, Wenlong Qi,Junfeng Xie, Yan Chen, Tao Zhang, Dake Xu,Fuhui Wang, Investigation of the failure mechanism of the TG-201 inhibitor: Promoting the synergistic effect of HP-13Cr stainless steel during the well completion, Corrosion Science, 166 (2020) 108448.
[5] Yang Zhao, Xuanpeng Li, Cheng Zhang, Tao Zhang, Junfeng Xie, Guanxin Zeng, Dake Xu, Fuhui Wang,Investigation of the rotation speed on corrosion behavior of HP-13Crstainless steel in the extremely aggressive oilfield environment by using the rotating cage test,Corrosion Science, 145 (2018) 307-319.
[6] Yang Zhao, Enze Zhou, Dake Xu, Yange Yang, Ying Zhao, Tao Zhang, Tingyue Gu, Ke Yang, Fuhui Wang, Laboratory investigation of microbiologically influenced corrosion of 2205 duplex stainless steel by marine Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm using electrochemical noise, Corrosion Science, 143 (2018) 281-291.
[7] Yang Zhao, Enzhe Zhou, Yuzhi Liu, Shangju Liao, Zhong Li, Dake Xu, Tao Zhang, Tingyue Gu, Comparison of different electrochemical techniques for continuous monitoring of the microbiologically influenced corrosion of 2205 duplex stainless steel by marine Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm, Corrosion Science, 126 (2017) 142-151.
[8] Yang Zhao, Junfeng Xie, Guanxin Zeng, Tao Zhang, Dake Xu, Fuhui Wang, Pourbaix diagram for HP-13Cr stainless steel in the aggressive oilfield environment characterized by high temperature, high CO2 partial pressure and high salinity, Electrochimica Acta, 293 (2019) 116-127.
[9] Yang Zhao, Limin Chang, Tao Zhang, Junfeng Xie, Yan Chen, Dake Xu, Fuhui Wang, Effect of the flow velocity on the corrosion behavior of UNS S41426 stainless steel in the extremely aggressive oilfield environment for the Tarim area, Corrosion, 76 (2020) 654-665.
[10] Yang Zhao, Yuchen Liu, Xin Gai, Yun Bai, Tao Zhang, Dake Xu, Fuhui Wang, Investigating the stress corrosion cracking(SCC) susceptibility of Ti-6Al-4V alloys fabricated by electron beam melting in deep-sea environment, Corrosion, 77 (2021) 1-13.
4. 学术兼职
担任《Corrosion Science》、《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》、《Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)》审稿人。兼职核心期刊《中国腐蚀与防护学报》和《Corrosion Communication》青年编委。