姓名:李磊 教授/博士生导师
性别:男 出生日期:1979年3月
Email:[email protected]
1. 学习简历
2000年09月 ─ 2004年07月东北大学材料成型及控制工程,工学学士
2004年09月 ─ 2006年03月东北大学材料加工工程,工学硕士
2006年04月 ─ 2011年01月(法国)梅斯大学/东北大学材料加工工程,工学博士
2. 工作简历
2010年12月─ 2011 年05月(法国)梅斯大学材料科学与工程,博士后
2012年03月─ 2015 年12月东北大学,讲师
2014年10月─ 2017 年05月苏州有色金属研究院有限公司,博士后
2016年01月─ 2020 年12月东北大学,副教授
2021年01月─ 今东北大学,教授
3. 学术兼职
国际学术期刊评审专家:《Materials & Design》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Journal of Materials Research》、《African Journal of Biotechnology》、《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》、《Scientific reports》等。
4. 研究方向
5. 近年来承担的科研项目
已在《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Crystal Growth & Design,》、《Journal of Applied Crystallography》、《Journal of Applied Physics》和《Materials Characterization》等SCI检索的学术期刊发表论文50余篇,其中第一作者SCI检索论文30余篇。
(1) Lei Li#*, Huanzheng Jiao, Congfu Liu, Lin Yang, Yusong Suo, Ruixue Zhang, Tie Liu, Jianzhong Cui. Microstructures, mechanical properties and in vitro corrosion behavior of biodegradable Zn alloys microalloyed with Al, Mn, Cu, Ag and Li elements. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 103, 244-260.
(2) Lei Li#*, Congfu Liu, Huanzheng Jiao, Lin Yang, Fanglin Cao, Xiangjie Wang, Jianzhong Cui. Investigation on microstructures, mechanical properties and in vitro corrosion behavior of novel biodegradable Zn-2Cu-0.01Ti-xLi alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 888, 161529.
(3) Lei Li#*,Haitao Tie LiuGrowth behaviors of CoSn2/CoSn4 composite particles in the solidification of Sn-Co alloy under a high magnetic field [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 816, 152540.
(4) Lei Li#*, JianzhongEffect of a high magnetic field on crystal growth in the solidification of hypoperitectic Zn-Ag alloy [J]. Crystal Growth & Design, 2019, 19, 6448-6462.
(5) Lei Li#*, Yusong Suo, Ruixue Zhang, Chunyan Ban, Haitao Zhang, Tie Liu, Claude Esling, and Jianzhong Cui, A crystallographic investigation on the growth of Al4Sr crystals under a high magnetic field [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125, 245108.
(6) Lei Li#*, Ruixue Zhang, ChunYan Ban, Haitao Zhang, Tie Liu, Huizhang, Xiangjie Wang, Claude Esling and Jianzhong Cui, Growth behavior of Zn-rich phase in Zn-Mg alloy under a high magnetic field [J]. Materials Characterization, 2019, 151, 191-202.
(7) Lei Li#*, Yuantong Bi, Hui Zhang and Jianzhong Cui, Alignments and Orientations of MnSn2 Phase during the Solidification Process of Sn-Mn Alloy under a High Magnetic Field [J]. Materials Transactions jim, 2019, 60, 939-943.
(8) Lei Li, ChunYan Ban#*, Yuantong Bi, Ruixue Zhang, Haitao Zhang, Tie Liu, Qingfeng Zhu,Yubo Zuo, Xiangjie Wang and Jianzhong Cui, A crystallographic study on the growth of Laves phase MgZn2 during the solidification process of Zn–Mg alloy under a high magnetic field [J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53, 15181-15195.
(9) Lei Li, Yuantong Bi, ChunYan Ban#*, Haitao Zhang, Tie Liu, Xiangjie Wang, Claude Esling and Jianzhong Cui. A Crystallographic Study on the Growth of Partially Faceted MnSn2 Phase during Solidification Process [J]. Crystals, 2018, 8, 380.
(10) Lei Li, ChunYan Ban#*, Xuchen Shi, Haitao Zhang, Yubo Zuo, Qingfeng Zhu, Xiangjie Wang, Hui Zhang, Jianzhong Cui, Hiromi Nagaumi, Effects of a high magnetic field on the primary zinc-rich crystals in hypoeutectic Zn-Sn alloy[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2017, 463, 59-66.
(11) Lei Li, ChunYan Ban#*, Xuchen Shi, Haitao Zhang, Yubo Zuo, Qingfeng Zhu, Xiangjie Wang, Jianzhong Cui, Hiromi Nagaumi, Influence of a high magnetic field on the solidification structures of ternary Al–Fe–Zr alloy [J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2017, 32, 2035-2044.
(12) Lei Li, ChunYan Ban#*, Ruixue Zhang, Haitao Zhang, Minghui Cai, Yubo Zuo, Qingfeng Zhu, XiangjieWang, Jianzhong Cui, Morphological and crystallographic characterization of primary zinc-rich crystals in a ternary Sn-Zn-Bi alloy under a high magnetic field [J]. Crystals, 2017, 7, 1-10.
(13) Lei Li, Qingfeng Zhu#*, Jianzhong Cui, Electromagnetic Field Induced Structure Transition of Aluminum Alloys during Direct Chill Casting, Materials Transactions jim, 2017, 58, 1134-1137.
(14) Lei Li#*, ChunYan Ban, Xuchen Shi, Haitao Zhang, Minghui Cai, Haitao Liu, Jianzhong Cui, Hiromi Nagaumi, Crystallographic growth pattern of zinc-rich plate-like cells under a high magnetic field [J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 185, 447-451.
(15) Lei Li#*, Qingfeng Zhu, Zhihao Zhao, Haitao Zhang, Yubo Zuo, Jianzhong Cui, Structural and crystallographic study on 3004 aluminum alloy ingot by horizontal direct chill casting under combined electromagnetic fields [J]. Journal of Materials Research, 2015, 30(5): 745-752.
(16) Lei Li#* Bo Xu, Weiping Tong, Lizi He, Chunyan Ban, Hui Zhang, Yubo Zuo, Qingfeng Zhu, Jianzhong Cui. Directional growth behavior of α(Al) dendrites during concentration-gradient-controlled solidification process in static magnetic field [J], Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015, 25(7), 2438-2445.
(17) Lei Li#* Bo Xu, Weiping Tong, Hui Zhang, Chunyan Ban, Lizi He, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Qingfeng Zhu, Jianzhong Cui. Directional Growth of Tin Crystals Controlled by Combined Solute Concentration Gradient Field and Static Magnetic Field [J], Acta Metallurgica Sinica -English Letters, 2015, 28(6), 725-732.
(18) Lei Li#*, Qingfeng Zhu, Hui Zhang, Yubo Zuo, Chunyan Ban, Lizi He, Haitao Liu, Jianzhong Cui, Morphological and crystallographic characterization of solidified Al–3Ti–1B master alloy under a high magnetic field. Materials Characterization, 2014, 95, 1-11.
(17) Lei Li#, Zongbin Li, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling*, Haitao Liu, Zhihao Zhao, Qingfeng Zhu, Yubo Zuo, Jianzhong Cui. Crystallographic effect of a high magnetic field on a solidified hypoeutectic Zn-Al alloy [J], Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2014, 47: 606–612.
(18) Lei Li#, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling*, Ke Qin, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Jianzhong Cui. A microstructural and crystallographic investigation of the precipitation behaviour of a primary Al3Zr phase under a high magnetic field [J], Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2013, 46(1):421-429.
(19) Lei Li#*, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Qingfeng Zhu, Jianzhong Cui. Effect of a high magnetic field on the morphological and crystallographic features of the primary Al6Mn phase formed during solidification process [J], Journal of Materials Research, 2013, 28(12):1567-1573.
(20) Lei Li#, Yudong Zhang, Claude Esling*, Huixue Jiang, Zhihao Zhao, Yubo Zuo, Jianzhong Cui. Influence of a high magnetic field on the precipitation behaviors of the primary Al3Fe phase during the solidification of hypereutectic Al-3.31wt% Fe alloy [J], Journal of crystal growth, 2012, 339(1):61-69.