2012.09-2016.07,新澳门六合彩开奖-新澳彩开奖结果 ,材料加工工程,博士
[1] Shu Yan*, Tianle Li*, Zigan Xu, Taosha Liang, Sai Wang, Xianghua Liu, Experimental evidence for “double-edged sword” effect of the fibrous d -ferrite on mechanical properties: a case study of Fe-5.95Mn-1.55Si-1.0Al-0.055C medium-Mn steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 18: 3834-3840.
[2] Tianle Li, Shu Yan*, Xianghua Liu, Microstructure and tensile behaviors for a medium Mn steel with d-ferrite phase under different annealing temperatures. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 15: 708-718.
[3] Tianle Li, Shu Yan*, Xianghua Liu, Investigation of metastable austenite in Q&P steels and medium Mn steels through deep-cryogenic treatment. Materials Letters, 2021, 290, 129491.
[4] Shu Yan*, Taosha Liang, Zhiqiang Wang, Bo Yan, Tianle Li, Xianghua Liu, Novel 1.4 GPa-strength medium-Mn steel with uncompromised high ductility. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2020, 773, 138732.
[5] Shu Yan*, Tianle Li, Taosha Liang, Xianghua Liu, Adjusting the microstructure evolution, mechanical properties and deformation behaviors of Fe-5.95Mn-1.55Si-1.03Al-0.055C medium Mn steel by cold-rolling reduction ratio. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(2): 1314-1324.
[6] Shu Yan*, Tianle Li, Taosha Liang, Jiangqi Chen, Yang Zhao, Xianghua Liu, By controlling recrystallization degree: A plain medium Mn steel overcoming Lüders deformation and low yield-to-tensile ratio simultaneously, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 758: 79-85.
[7] Shu Yan*, Taosha Liang, Jingqi Chen, Tianle Li, Xianghua Liu, A novel Cu-Ni added medium Mn steel: Precipitation of Cu-rich particles and austenite reversed transformation occurring simultaneously during ART annealing, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2019, 746: 73-81.
[8] Shu Yan*, Xianghua Liu, Taosha Liang, Jingqi Chen, Yang Zhao, Effect of Micro-Alloying Elements on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in C-Mn-Si Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) Steels, steel research international, 2019, 90(1): 1800257(1-10).
[9] Shu Yan*, Xianghua Liu, Taosha Liang, Yang Zhao, The effects of the initial microstructure on microstructural evolution, mechanical properties and reversed austenite stability of intercritically annealed Fe-6.1Mn-1.5Si-0.12C steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018, 712: 332-340.
[10] Shu Yan*, Xianghua Liu, Wayne J Liu, Taosha Liang, Bin Zhang, Lizhong Liu, Comparative study on microstructure and mechanical properties of a C-Mn-Si steel treated by quenching and partitioning (Q&P) processes after a full and intercritical austenitization, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017, 684: 261-269.
《Materials & Design》,《Materials Science and Engineering A》, 《steel research international》等期刊审稿人。