姓 名: 王建军 教授/博士生导师
性 别: 男 出生日期:1974 年 12 月 24 日
办公电话: 024-83681679 Email: [email protected]
1. 学习简历
1993年08月 -1997年07月 东北大学材料系 金属材料及热处理专业 学士
1997年08月-2000年03月 东北大学材料与冶金学院 材料学专业 硕士
2000年03月 - 2002年09月 东北大学材料与冶金学院 材料学专业 博士研究生
2002年10月-2003年03月 日本东北大学留学生中心 电子工学专攻 留学生
2003年04月 -2006年03月 日本东北大学工学研究科 金属工学专攻 工学博士
2. 工作简历
2006年04月- 2008 年04月 日本东北大学/日本JST 研究员
2008年03月 -2015 年12月 东北大学材料与冶金学院 材料研究所 副教授
2016年01月 - 2016 年12月 新澳门六合彩开奖-新澳彩开奖结果
材料系 副教授
2017年01月 -现在 新澳门六合彩开奖-新澳彩开奖结果
材料系 教授/博士生导师
已在《International Journal of Plasticity》、《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、、《Corrosion Science》、《Scripta Materialia》、《Materials Science & Engineering A》、《金属学报》等国内外刊物上共发表高水平学术论文50余篇,获授权专利10项。
(1) Achieving superior strength-ductility synergy of 2205 duplex stainless steel via dual-heterogeneous structure design. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 208 (2025) 202-213.
(2) Tailoring Mechanical Properties of Pearlitic Steels through Size Regulation of Multiscale Microstructures: Experiments and Simulations. International Journal of Plasticity (2024) 104110.
(3) High-resolution reconstruction-based investigation of multi-scale lamellar microstructures by coupled crystal plasticity and in-situ experiment. Scripta Materialia 241 (2024) 115896.
(4) Revealing the mechanism of ductility discrepancy between two 2205 duplex stainless steelscontaining layered and island austenite through in-situ experiment. Materials Science & Engineering A 896 (2024) 146293.
(5) Ferrite-austenite synergistic deformation behavior in a 2205 duplex stainless steel containing equiaxed austenite domains. Materials Characterization 205 (2023) 113363.
(6) Hierarchical strain band formation and mechanical behavior of a heterostructured dual-phase material. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 162 (2023) 25–37.
(7) Precipitation of Ti 2 Al phases at lamellar interfaces in a high-Nb-containing TiAl alloy during thermal exposure. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 126 (2022) 132–140.
(8) High-resolution multiscale modeling of mechanical behavior of cold-drawn pearlitic steels. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 15: 5920-5935.
(9) Enhanced high-temperature age-hardening behavior and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Si alloys via microalloying with Cd. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2021, 825: 141910.
(10) High-temperature age-hardening behavior of Al-Mg-Si alloys with varying Sn contents. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 14: 2165-2173.
(11) Tailoring cementite precipitation and mechanical properties of quenched and tempered steel by nickel partitioning between cementite and ferrite. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2021, 802: 140686.
(12) Magnetic Effect of the Occupied State of V Atom in Fe–V Alloy: First-Principles Calculation and Mössbauer Spectroscopy. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2021, 34:1425-1433.
(13) Temperature dependence of atomic clusters and magnetic properties of α-phase Fe-V alloy by M¨ossbauer and VSM studies. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2021, 73: 523–533.
(14) Atomic interaction effect on magnetic properties of α-phase Fe–V alloys by Mössbauer and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Physica A , 2021, 567: 125676.
(15) Optimizing high-temperatu re oxidation behaviors of high-Nb-containing TiAl alloys by addition of boron. Corrosion Science, 2020, 177: 108971.
(16) Precipitation process of vanadium carbide in M23C6 by atomic-scale configuration analysis. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55: 762–773.
(17) Investigation on vanadium carbide transformations in M23C6 carbide by experimental observation and crystallographic analysis. Materials Characterization, 2020, 167: 110485.
(18) Enhan cing the bake-hardening responses of a pre-aged Al-Mg-Si alloy by trace Sn additions. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 40: 107-112.
(1)中国冶金科学技术奖二等奖 1 项(2017年)
(2)辽宁省科学技术进步奖二等奖 1 项(2021年)
(3)中国宝武技术创新重大成果奖 1 项(2021年)
(4)辽宁省优秀博士学位论文指导教师 (2022年)