姓名:庞学永 副教授/硕士生导师
性别:男 出生日期: 1983年5月
1. 学习简历
2004.09-2010.07 中国科学院金属研究所 材料科学与工程 工学博士
2000.09-2004.07 吉林大学 材料物理 工学学士
2. 工作简历
2012.03-2016.05 德国鲁尔大学,先进材料模拟中心,博士后研究员
2014.03-2014.04 英国帝国理工学院,Thomas-Young Center, 访问学者
2010.09-2012.03 德国鲁尔大学,先进材料模拟中心,马普学者;
3. 研究方向
4. 近年来承担的科研项目
东北大学重大科技创新项目--金属单原子材料制备及物理、化学性能研究;2017.01-2019.12 子课题负责人
5. 代表性学术论文
Yixing Li, Rongge Liu, Xueyong Pang, Xiaoning Zhao, Yanhui Zhang, Gaowu Qin, Xuefeng Zhang,Fe@C nanocapsules with substitutional sulfur heteroatoms in graphitic shells for improving microwave absorption at gigahertz frequencies. Carbon. Vol. 126, p. 372. 2018.
Yixing Li, Xiaofang Liu, Rongge Liu, Xueyong Pang, Yanhui Zhang, Gaowu Qin, Xuefeng Zhang,Improved microwave absorption properties by atomic-scale substitutions, Carbon, Vol. 139, p. 181, 2018
X.Y. Pang, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier, Interplanar potential for tension-shear coupling at grain boundaries derived from ab-initio calculations, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. Vol. 24 p.015007, 2016.
F. Wang, R. Shi, Z.Q. Liu, X.Y Pang, P.J. Shang, S. Shen, Z.C. Feng, C. Li, and W.J. Shen, Highly efficient dehydrogenation of primary aliphatic alcohols catalyzed by Cu nanoparticles dispersed on rod-shaped La2O2CO3, ACS Catalysis, Vol. 3, p.890. 2013.
X.Y. Pang, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier, The mechanical shear behavior of Al single crystals and grain boundaries, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 112, p. 023503, 2012.
X.Y. Pang, Z.Q. Liu, S.Q. Wang, J.K. Shang, First-principles calculations of doped elements on electromigration of Bi, The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, Vol. 21, p. 875, 2011.
X.Y. Pang, Z.Q. Liu, S.Q. Wang, J.K. Shang, Effects of Bi segregation on the tensile properties of Cu/Cu3Sn(100) interface, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 51, p.2330, 2011.
X.Y. Pang, Z.Q. Liu, S.Q. Wang, J.K. Shang, Weakening of the Cu/Cu3Sn(100) interface by Bi impurities. Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol 39, p. 1277-1282, 2010.